For the last several years, the United States, along with NATO, has been poking the Russian bear, apparently pushing for war with Russia. Why?
When Trump was president it was Russia, Russia, Russia. When Democrats found that Trump was actually getting along with Putin, they became further enraged, even though Trump was pushing NATO to pay its fair share and get more ground troops, ships, and planes ready for combat. You know, getting NATO to do what it’s supposed to do.
Russia, especially after the Soviet breakup, was told for decades that NATO would not expand to the East, especially into former Soviet satellites, threatening Russia. Putin asked that a buffer be maintained between Russia and the West. In 2021, Putin again demanded it. Not an unreasonable request from any country wishing to defend its borders. Monroe Doctrine anyone?
From the start, NATO assured Russia that the former Soviet bloc and Ukraine would not join NATO, but would not guarantee it. When NATO was asked if they told Russia that Ukraine would not join NATO, their loose translation was, ‘In so many words.’
Looking at the maps, just about every former Soviet bloc country has been added to NATO…Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria (formerly ruled by the Bulgarian Communist Party), Albania, Czech Republic and Slovakia. Most of them added in 2004.
Europe During the Soviet Union
You can see from the above illustration, Russia, or the former Soviet Union, had a substantial buffer between the West and themselves.
Unknown to most, after Stalin died in 1953, Nikita Khrushchev, in 1954, sent letters of intent to NATO members to join the alliance.. It was a hope and an attempt to ease tensions from a former anti-Hitler ally. Khrushchev knew war very well and was not anxious to get into another one. But, it was not to be. It was seen as an effort to neutralize NATO the way they neutralize the UN Security Council. Probably correct in their assumption since Russia always prefers maneuver, but it would have been interesting.
Nine days after the rejection, the Soviet Union and its satellites formed the Warsaw Pact. Europe was split for the next 40 years.
Sweden and Finland are about to join NATO
And now, Sweden and Finland are about to join NATO, unless Bulgaria, at the 11th hour, objects. Bulgaria gets 90% of its energy from Russia. Sweden, and Finland on the top right, which borders the Russian Republic, show their proximity. The Ukraine is between Belarus and Eastern Ukraine. Just to the south of Ukraine, between Romania and Eastern Ukraine is Moldova, a Democratic Republic, and constitutionally neutral. (top illustration).
Since NATO has invited Finland and Sweden to join, the U.S. has announced it is sending two more destroyers to Spain and two more squadrons of F35s to the UK. This is added to the billions of dollars worth of munitions already sent to Ukraine…Stinger rocket systems, Javelin rocket systems, armored personnel carriers, helicopters, 155mm howitzer artillery systems w/ammunition, drones, night vision systems, rifles and ammunition, All to assure Russia we want nothing but peace.
Before we embark on this insanity, people need to ask WHY?
In 1994, the United States and Russia reached an agreement known as the Budapest Memorandum. Ukraine would turn in its nukes, yes, nukes. Ukraine, after the fall of the Soviet Union, was the third largest nuclear power. It was all Soviet, of course, but Ukraine had the nukes and Russia had the triggers. Ukraine agreed to give up the nukes (they couldn’t afford to maintain them anyway) for security assurances. Some say the agreement compels us to defend Ukraine. Not so. Unlike NATO, the agreement does not require any specific response, nor is there any enforcement mechanism. The agreement is not an official treaty, but it does specify that it would seek UN Security Council action in the case of any threats. So, there is no obligation to interfere.
As a career pilot, I know the three things you never want to run out of…gas, altitude and ideas. The United States is running out of all three. The spending has been out of control for a very long time, continually spending money we did not have. Our politicians, especially within the Democrat Party are more than incompetent, they are criminal. Their appetite for power knows no bounds. A $30 trillion debt in any other time would have been unthinkable. The party atmosphere is waning, it’s just about over. By the way, when Democrats drone on that we are in danger of losing our democracy, it is because they are about to take it away.
You Cannot Have Open Borders and a Welfare State.
You have to understand the political mind. Government will never accept less money than they are getting or endure any hardship. They have votes to buy, unions to pay off. In Marin County, CA, just north of San Francisco, some years ago, the county leaders asked its citizens to cut down on water usage. They did. They made the sacrifices. What they got for their trouble were higher water rates because water usage went way down. Today, several states are raising gasoline taxes. Why? Because people are not driving as much. I cannot think of any time in our history when we have had worse leaders than we do now, top to bottom!
And we are about to find out the truth of it. Our government knows the Ponzi scheme (the U.S. dollar) is about to implode and we still insist the party is just moving along nicely. The last two times in 2000, and 2008, we had ammunition to fight with, interest rates to cut. We can’t lower rates, they were already low. If we raise rates, we risk a default. If we raise rates and print more money, which assuredly they will do, instead of a deflationary spiral like in the 1920s, we are going to end up with an inflationary depression like in the ‘70s. So, this time there is no solution, except war to keep everyone’s head in the other direction, blaming Russia.
But, Ray, that could kill millions, maybe billions of people. The globalists have been pushing for depopulation for decades. Where do you think the vaccines came from, the pandemic? No, it was quite the opposite. Who do you think you’re dealing with, benevolent benefactors?
Why Russia? Because Russia will not submit to the New World Order, the Great Reset, or Agenda 2030, call it what you want. Russia is determined to loose itself from the dollar reserve currency and create its own reserve currency alliance with Brazil, India, China… BRIC.
But, don’t worry, when it begins to get dark with no light at the end of the tunnel except for a faint muzzle flash, Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and their World Economic Forum, the UN, and the World Health Organization will ride in with their Great Reset, hands outstretched with synthetic food in one hand, and a set of chains in the other.
The USD monetary demise sequence is gathering steam : Saudi Arabia will accept Chinese Yuan for its oil. And more alarming : Most of Latin America – Africa-Asia is ready to set up a rival IMF , with their own SDR ( special drawing rights ) . BRICS will attract Nigeria , Indonesia and other energy producers . The rest is smokescreens ( pandemic-war )