By Cliff Kincaid, AM SURVIVAL
Better late than never.
This is Sean Hannity speaking about Covid-19 and vaccinations:
“Take it seriously. You also have a right to medical privacy, and doctor-patient confidentiality is also important. And it absolutely makes sense for many Americans to get vaccinated. I believe in science, I believe in the science of vaccination.”
Watch his comments here.
He probably lost a loved one to the disease who resisted vaccination because of the claims the vaccine formula implants a microchip in your blood.
I have nothing but contempt for the “conservatives” who either stay silent or try to silence pro-vaccines voices like mine. I have contempt for those crying “genocide” over the vaccines.
China is the sponsor of the genocide. Wise up. This is a dangerous disease caused by a virus that spawns deadly variants.
No matter how many subscribers I lose, I will continue to tell the truth.
My new column looks at “Vaccine Censorship and the Need for Truth.”
I am being censored by the right, who claim they are for freedom of speech, because I am pro-vaccine.
Read the rest of the column here.
You need to give up your addiction to those websites spinning tales of doom if you take the vaccine. Consult your doctor. As Hannity says, do your research.
I received a message from someone claiming that vaccines are unlawful medical experiments in direct violation of The Nuremberg Code and that those who violate this code could be hanged. The original Nuremberg tribunals exposed and prosecuted the Nazis for their genocide of the Jews and brought them to justice.
I reminded this person that taking a vaccine means that you have to sign an informed consent form with several pages of information in the form of a “CONSENT FOR VACCINATION” form requiring a signature. It states, in part, that, “I understand the risks and benefits of getting the vaccine(s) and consent for me and my family to be vaccinated.”
Among other things, the document lists “possible side effects” and warns in addition that “Serious and unexpected side effects may occur,” noting that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, which I took, “is still being studied in clinical trials.”
Do your research.
Devastating is the perfect word to describe his documented claims. It is even more disturbing that these matters have been before the officials who should have had the ability and authority to pursue them to some level since early last year, some 15months ago, well before this experimental vaccine was produced and unleashed upon the public some 6 1/2 months ago, and nothing was done, nothing was even pursued. There are nearly 30,000 dead in just a fraction of the world, relating to this vaccine. It does seem too devious to suspect that these politicians we all trust and admire would be so sinister to allow such fantastic motives to be enacted upon, and yet, they not only have not responded to these documented charges, they are continuing the expansion of this therapeutic, in the visage of a vaccine, while still not processing or addressing or demanding from their Pharma partners what explanation could be offered for these documented facts which provide a prescience of matters before they occurred.
I had heard of these matters raised by Dr. Martin for some months now, but they did sound impossible to accept as valid, and there had been much talk of time machines and aliens so I largely dismissed them. Then slowly, Martin’s claims became more and more present. I came to learn that Jon McGreevey, Lin Wood’s whistleblower, for one, has spoken of these matters, well before he was Lin Wood’s whistleblower. The point that gave me the most support was in April of this year when Dr. Flemming produced the actual documents to the public for the patents and other materials at his Event 2021 symposium – he actually discussed and tied many things together(If you haven’t seen his presentation, you should). And yet, there has been no response to these claims. It is now well past an audible level where, even if these were the fantasy of a lunatic, some explanation of his claims would be made to render such accusations as being fictitiously based. And yet, silence bears its own testimony, though to a non-specific point. But if we do not focus our outrage towards obtaining very specific answers to these very specific charges from those few who could demand such answers, these politicians will continue upon the path they have chosen with a sense of complete abandon of these charges that are still left unchallenged and unsettled.
For any who are interested here is the link for Dr. Fleming’s Event 2021 symposium where he discusses the vaccines, virus, patents, shedding, his involvement with Fauci going back 30 years and many other matters, for which he produces a wealth of documentary evidence. Well worth viewing, if you have the time.
Dr. Martin is indeed truly devastating. Not only does he have an excellent intellect and knowledge base, he has on-hand (and anyone can get this information) the paperwork showing the number of patents issued for various aspects of the so-called Covid epidemic. This information alone is quite startling…
peloni1986–Dr. Martin is truly devastating. Apparently certain corporations and doctors were planning this pandemic for years in order to sell vaccines and make a fortune. Documents released under the Freedom of Information Act show that a physician in North Carolina was planning the whole pandemic at least as early as 2015 as a way of attreacting investors in the new kind of vaccine he was developing.
So, I guess Hannity won’t be having Dr. Martin on his show. Here is the latest from Dr. Martin on Stew Peterson’s show: