For Immediate Release  June 25, 2020

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Online Rally for “Sovereignty Now” on Sunday to Draw Thousands

As decision time for Israeli action on sovereignty draws closer, a coalition of U.S. and Israeli groups are broadcasting their message: “No delays: we want Sovereignty Now”. 

Called The Sovereignty Now Coalition, the group is holding a live international Covid safe online rally this Sunday at 2 PM US Eastern, 11AM Pacific and 9 PM Israel time. It will be broadcast on Zoom with pre-registration, and on the Facebook pages of coalition members Zionist Organization of America, Americans Against Terrorism, Proclaiming Justice to The Nations, Americans for Peace and Tolerance and Israel Unwired. The replay will be on YouTube. The rally is expected to be seen by thousands.

Speakers will include noted Israeli journalist Caroline Glick, Morton Klein President of Zionist Organization of America one of the largest pro-Israel groups in the world, outspoken Pastor Laurie Cardoza-Moore from Tennesee, Nadia Matar co-founder of the Sovereignty Movement, and Rabbi Jeremy Gimpel of the Land of Israel Network.

Spokesperson Dr. Neil Dobro of Americans Against Terrorism said: “Israeli citizens have the right to be governed by their own law in their own ancient homeland. This will change nothing for the Arabs who live here, but they, and the world, will see that this land will never again be Jew-free. Jews are here to stay.”

Morton Klein, President of ZOA, said “Sovereignty over Judea/Samaria is supported by the US and Israeli governments because legally the San Remo Resolution and UN Article 80 support it; the Bible and historical facts support it. It ensures Israel’s security and stability for 500,000 Jews who live there; and there is tacit approval by the moderate Arab states. Even though for the 27 years since the Oslo accords, Israel has never applied sovereignty, there was still no peace-making. It is clear that sovereignty does not prevent peace: what prevents peace is the Palestinian Arabs true goal of Israel’s destruction.”

June 25, 2020 | 1 Comment »

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