Help cover costs of the Conference.

From Ted Belman

I need your help.

The conference I have organized, The Jordan Option – The Ultimate Alternate Solution, is attracting a lot of attention and momentum is building.

So is the opposition to it. Obviously, if the solution is implemented, it will be the end of the PA to say nothing of the Hashemite monarchy. In promoting it, we are the mortal enemy of the PLO, Hamas and Fatah.

The government controlled press in Jordan published an article devoted to the conference. Here is one paragraph translated into English,

“There are Jordanians participating, and the state must take all deterring measures, and the Jordanian state’s mind must be firm in reacting to these pro-coup stances and to punish those taking part and also recall the Jordanian ambassador and take all legal and diplomatic measures to stand in the face of these major  changes to come, which target the national security and have put together a full program on purpose aimed at creating a perfect picture for the reader and for the mind of the Jordanian state as well as the consciousness of the Jordanian citizen, who, by the way, shall never tolerate anyone touching our national security, and is willing to give away his blood and soul for that. “

Mordechai Kedar wrote the following to Caroline Glick suggesting she should support the conference:

However, in this case, I’d suggest to support the conference for two reasons:

  1. Tactically,  the King should not feel that Israel is “in his pocket”. He should start working on making the relations better, if he wants Israel’s good will.
  1. Strategically, Israel should “recalculate” its relations with Jordan, in order to enable the establishing of a Palestinian state in Jordan rather than on the Land of Israel.“

But the expenses associated with the conference amount to $20,000. I need your help covering the costs. Go here to Donate

If you are donating $500 or more, email me at and advise how much you intend to donate and whether you want a US tax deductible receipt or a Canadian Tax deductible receipt. I will advise accordingly.

August 27, 2017 | Comments »

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