Oren introduces Koolanu’s “peace” plan



Oren2Michael Oren, Israel’s former ambassador to the United States who is running as the diplomatic voice in Moshe Kahlon’s Koolanu party in the March elections, unveiled his approach to the Palestinian problem on Wednesday.

“We all want the same thing, we want an Israel that is strong, an Israel that is democratic, an Israel that is Jewish, we want an Israel that is economically prosperous. Peace is the means for achieving that goal. Peace is not an end in itself,” he told a group of young professionals in Jaffa Wednesday night, which The Jerusalem Post recorded exclusively for its weekly Frontlines Podcast.

Oren argued that in the absence of a Palestinian leader willing or able to negotiate a deal with Israel, it is up to Israel to take the initiative.

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“In the West Bank today there is de facto Palestinian sovereignty over large segments of the territory,” he said. “There is in existence what is in essence a two-state situation. Not a two-state solution, but a two-state situation. It is not formal. I say take this situation and strengthen it. Make it better.”

Without closing the door to a negotiated deal, Israel should work out ways to improve lives for Palestinians such as increasing transport freedom and improving trade, he said. The Netanyahu government was not doing enough to take the initiative at a time when Palestinians were advancing their cause in the UN and ICC, he said.

He also said Israel should “focus” its settlement building to blocs that everyone knows will be part of Israel, and cites the 2004 letter from US President George W. Bush as the legal basis. By focusing on those areas alone, he said, Israel “broadcasts to the world our seriousness of the openness of that door” to a final status agreement. Asked about policies that give preferential support to settlers, however, he said that while all citizens should get benefits and opportunities, they should not get them “at the expense of anybody else.”

Oren slammed Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett’s plan to put large swathes of the West Bank under Israeli sovereignty.

“Annexing of Area C brings an immediate international embargo on the state of Israel, and I’ll tell you unequivocally, it will not be acceptable to both houses and both parties, so it’s also going to be a major problem for our relationship with the United States,” he said. He also dismissed notions that Israel should seek an alternative to the US as its main backer.

“Anybody who thinks there’s a substitute for America as Israel’s supreme ally is deluding themselves. There is no substitute.”

Asked what Israel should do if the US and Iran struck a “bad” deal in nuclear negotiations, Oren said: “Any deal that leaves Iran with the ability to achieve and break out of a nuclear capability poses a severe threat to the state of Israel and that Israel has the right, the duty and the capability to defend itself.”

January 17, 2015 | 17 Comments »

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17 Comments / 17 Comments

  1. bernard ross Said:

    what sort of peace treaty, i thought that Israel cooperated with them but didnt know about a treaty, also I thought the SLA was completely christian. Why did the shias and Israel discontinue cooperation?

    The May 17 Agreement of 1983

    was a failed U.S.-backed attempt to create peace between Lebanon and Israel during the Lebanese Civil War, after Israel invaded Lebanon and besieged Beirut in 1982. The country was under both Israeli and Syrian military occupations during its negotiation.

  2. yamit82 Said:

    Too bad we had a peace treaty with them that lasted in less time then it took for the ink to dry. Christian proved undependable and actually the Shia Muslims in S Lebanon proved to be more dependable and in the end made up the majority in the SLA.

    what sort of peace treaty, i thought that Israel cooperated with them but didnt know about a treaty, also I thought the SLA was completely christian. Why did the shias and Israel discontinue cooperation?

  3. bernard ross Said:

    too bad they never seized the opportunity to maintain an alliance with the SLA, they could have created a christian nation as a buffer in south lebanon.

    Too bad we had a peace treaty with them that lasted in less time then it took for the ink to dry. Christian proved undependable and actually the Shia Muslims in S Lebanon proved to be more dependable and in the end made up the majority in the SLA.

    Christians chickened out and were very corrupt.

  4. yamit82 Said:

    Israel is beginning to recognize Africa and South America…..

    I think Israel will do well in Africa, will know what they want and how to work with them pragmatically. the western world puts them all in a box but they are individual nations, leaders and interests. they have the resources and Israel has the know how and tech for developing nations plus security know how which is always important. Israel would make a formidable ally for anyone. too bad they never seized the opportunity to maintain an alliance with the SLA, they could have created a christian nation as a buffer in south lebanon.

  5. @ bernard ross:

    2015 will be the year of the Japanese for Israel. Japanese have come late but they are coming big. India the Japanese and China will all by themselves pull Israel away from Europe and the USA in trade and investments.

    Israel is beginning to recognize Africa and South America…..

  6. Galant Hints Mughnieh Hit Timed for Elections
    Maj. Gen. (res.) Yoav Galant, candidate for Knesset, says 2012 Jaabari killing may have been timed for elections, too.

    Kool and the Gang keystone cop candidate cant find the positive, only the negative. Sounds like typical leftist electioneering from those with nothing to offer but whining and moaning. Far as I know, his party wants to give it all away.
    IMO, jabari was killed as part of a deal to wipe out gaza connections with Iran. hence timing was related to other geopolitical factors which galant was obviously out of the loop.

  7. PM: Forget Europe, We’re Doing Business with Asia

    Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu suggested Sunday that Israeli businesspeople change their focus from Western Europe to other areas.

    Finally, the most sensible thing I have heard wrt BDS in a long time from the GOI. Rather than advocating kowtowing to the whims of those who swindled, libeled and slaughtered jews for 2000 years, as those in the 3 stooges camp of Livni. Lapdog and Herzog advocate, this is a rational realistic plan.

  8. Japanese PM Shinzo Abe visits Israel, calls on Netanyahu
    DEBKAfile January 18, 2015, 12:19 PM (IDT)
    Japanese PM Shinzo Abe begins first official visit to Israel by a Japanese premier since 2006 with a meeting in Jerusalem Sunday with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu. Abe brought with him an entourage of 100 people to discuss economic investment opportunities in Israel. Netanyahu visited Tokyo on Jan 4.
    Another arrival was Canadian Foreign Minister John Baird, who began a five-day visit Friday to Israel and the West Bank. A nine-member US bipartisan Senate delegation is due in Israel this week, led by the New Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman John McCain.

    must be those sanctions that Kool and the Gang keep chicken littling us about. 😛

  9. @ oldjerry:

    He was never in the closet and has always been a left wing librul. That’s probably why BB picked him to be Ambassador.

    BB like wise is a left wing librul with conservative economic leanings.. He fashions himself to be a Thatcherist.

  10. If “Palestinians” want to have a land to live, they should allow others to live too. Otherwise they must leave peacefully (with financial compensation) or by force. They have a choice. This is only a solution.
    Jews have all rights to keep their historical land (Judea and Samaria)which they possessed in defensive wars. “Palestinians” should improve their life themselves instead of terrorizing Jews.

  11. Bernard Ross correctly pointed out that “there is no defacto sovereignty over area C and there is limited sovereignty over B and A. Oren starts out bad by falsely portraying the existing reality”.
    Oren also sets up a straw man to knock down. Oren said of Bennett: “Oren slammed Bayit Yehudi leader Naftali Bennett’s plan to put large swathes of the West Bank under Israeli sovereignty.

    Oren also distorts what Bennett said: This is Oren: “Annexing of Area C brings an immediate international embargo on the state of Israel, and I’ll tell you unequivocally, it will not be acceptable to both houses and both parties, so it’s also going to be a major problem for our relationship with the United States.”” Bennett said that this is not for immediate execution, but a medium term goal, and that the psychological and diplomatic ground must be prepared for implementing that goal. Does Oren also thing we have no memory or lack understanding?

  12. Oren reveals himself to be a closet leftwing liberal, spouting the usual Peace Now crap but with a sugar coating.

  13. “In the West Bank today there is de facto Palestinian sovereignty over large segments of the territory,” he said. “There is in existence what is in essence a two-state situation. Not a two-state solution, but a two-state situation. It is not formal. I say take this situation and strengthen it. Make it better.”

    there is no defacto sovereignty over area C and there is limited sovereignty over B and A. Oren starts out bad by falsely portraying the existing reality. If there were Pal sovereignty there would be no incursions into their areas when needed. Why strengthen a situation that has not proven to work well. The system and situation are not the problem the people and their leaders are the problem.

    Without closing the door to a negotiated deal, Israel should work out ways to improve lives for Palestinians such as increasing transport freedom and improving trade, he said. The Netanyahu government was not doing enough to take the initiative at a time when Palestinians were advancing their cause in the UN and ICC, he said.

    Oren spouts ludicrous rubbish, more was done for the pals than previously and their reaction is to go to the UN and ICC. It is absurd to assert that being good to the pals results in the Pals being good to Israel, the opposite is a more likely factual assessment.

    By focusing on those areas alone, he said, Israel “broadcasts to the world our seriousness of the openness of that door” to a final status agreement.

    Oren is another parrot advising the Jews to do what the world wants as opposed to following her own interests. The world has ALWAYS stood against Israel defending herself and condemned her when required to do so. To suggest following that prescription makes him a mealy-mouthed foreign stooge.

    Asked what Israel should do if the US and Iran struck a “bad” deal in nuclear negotiations, Oren said: “Any deal that leaves Iran with the ability to achieve and break out of a nuclear capability poses a severe threat to the state of Israel and that Israel has the right, the duty and the capability to defend itself.”

    Gosh, I thought he would just rely on the foreigners whom he advises jews to follow. The UNHRC, UN and the current ICC investigation should be enough proof that following, and depending upon the largesse of, the internationals is suicidal. Israel should be preparing for sanctions rather than taking a path of appeasing liars.

  14. Ted, this is NOT a peace plan but an appeasement plan. It is a plan to make sure we do not assert our rights because Obama does not like Jews in Judah and Samaria.

    This proposal by Oren ignores that their will NEVER be a Palestinian partner unless they become Canadian evangelicals or Jews. It fails to take into account that the Arabs do not accept a Jewish Nation State.

    Oren prefers to play games with the west instead of saying what the problem actually is and that Israel should assert its rights.

    His idea is how can we appease the West and play diplomatic games.

  15. Don’t trust him he’s a liar and a rat.
    Someone please explain to me how exactly Oren/Kahlon differ from Livni. This platform is a pro Obama platform. They are getting funding from our enemies in Europe and The US.
    It is a pro-PLO platform with a Splenda coating. Why should we “improve their lives”. Let them improve their own lives. Let us improve our lives.
    This false flag agenda is rewarding abbas for going unilateral and rejecting negotiations. Every roadblock Oren closes is another avenue for terrorism to find it’s way into a kindergarten or a hospital or a pizzeria, I say NO, enough! Oren, I know you appear at times to be intelligent, but so too does peres, it’s all false, like a well constructer gerdle.but nevertheless you are a spaz like indyk and the rest of you court jew bile barf.