Edgar Bronfman betrays Israel and America

Jewicidal Millionaire Activist Sides with Islamic Supremacist Smear Merchants Against Pro-Israel Ad

By Pamela Geller, ATLAS SHRUGS

The Washington Post continues to dig up these relics from the past, yesterday’s men, in their relentless sanction of jihad and sharia. Every week, they publish column after column by judenrat defending the jihad against the Jews, or worse, trolls for Khomeinists like Reza Aslan. But they refuse to run an oped from me or my colleague Robert Spencer.

Edgar M. Bronfman in this WaPo op-ed epitomizes what is wrong with the Jewish community in America today: reflexive, unthinking leftist political correctness, and a suicidal, Jewicidal willingness to throw fellow Jews under the bus in the naive and foolish hope of achieving an alliance with people who are committed supporters of the genocidal jihad against Israel.

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It’s deja vu …. Bronfman is part of that same failed Jewish establishment that persecuted Peter Bergson duirng WW2 for trying to draw attention to the plight of European Jewry. Unconscionable.

Bronfman shills for a virulently anti-israel Obama, aiding the jihad against Israel without realizing it. Clueless or complicit? Who cares? The damage is the same. He has the audacity, or the willful blindness, or both, to say that Obama has made Israel more secure, when actually he is the most anti-Israel president we have ever had. AndCarl in Jerusalem points out:

Israelis are more than happy to work toward peace with the ‘Palestinians‘ and to help them build the institutions that are a prerequisite for self-governance. Unfortunately, the Obama administration’s pressure on Israel is telling the ‘Palestinians’ that they don’t need to build any such institutions. The ‘Palestinians’ believe that they just need to sit back and wait for Israel to be handed to them on a silver platter. Seeing Israel’s friends like Edgar Bronfman criticizing us for not cooperating with President Obama’s plans only convinces the ‘Palestinians’ that their strategy is correct. In diplomatic-speak, Bronfman’s remarks are ‘not helpful.’

And Tabitha Korol wrote:

Mr. Edgar Bronfman, Former CEO of Seagrams; former President of the World Jewish Congress, wrote anan-open-letter/ I experience deep sadness when I read of Jews betraying Jews, whether they intentionally or unknowingly misinterpret Israel’s situation, and then proceed to deceive the uninformed.

I have answered the charges he makes in this article countless times. Here again: Bronfman claims that the ad “by implication” says that all Muslims are savages. But in fact, the ad doesn’t mention Muslims at all. The idea that it impugns the character of all Muslims is a fiction invented by enemies of free speech such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The ad mentions jihad. It is asking people to oppose those who commit jihadattacks against innocent civilians, and those who celebrate the attackers as heroes. All jihad terrorists are Muslims, but not all Muslims are jihad terrorists. So why should any Muslim who opposes jihad feel his character impugned?

The ad refers not to all Muslims, but to to those jihadis who rejoice in the murders of innocent civilians. The war on Israel is a war on innocent civilians. The targeting of civilians is savage. The murder of Ambassador Chris Stevens was savage. The relentless 60-year campaign of terror against the Jewish people is savage. The torture of hostage Gilad Shalit was savage. The bloody hacking to death of the Fogel family was savage. The Munich Olympic massacre was savage. The unspeakable torture of Ehud Goldwasser was savage. The tens of thousands of rockets fired from Gaza into southern Israel (into schools, homes, etc.) are savage. The vicious Jew-hatred behind this genocide is savage. The endless demonization of the Jewish people in the Palestinian and Arab media is savage. The refusal to recognize the state of Israel as a Jewish state is savage. The list is endless. And Edgar M. Bronfman, of all people, should know that.

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet ….. and a jihadi by any other name would still be a savage. And no amount of pussyfooting around it is going to lessen the bloody price we will continue to pay. On the contrary, this weakness makes for easy prey.

How could any decent human being, Jewish or not, not call the war against the Jews anything but savage?

Jewish activist: ‘Hate speech must not be accepted as civil discourse’ Edgar M. Bronfman Washington Post October 12

Controversial posters on the Israel Palestinian conflict are placed at U Street Metro stop and three other Metro stations after a court battle. The same posters were also placed in the NYC subway system where they were vandalized. Some consider them ‘hate speech’ since they imply the Palestinians are “savages.” (Astrid Riecken – FOR THE WASHINGTON POST)

This week’s U.S. District Court ruling forced the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority to place ads in the D.C. subway system reading: “In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad.” These ostensibly pro-Israel billboards that deem iihadists, and by implication Muslims, as “savages” do not serve the interests of anyone involved, and in fact inflict great harm.

How many times do you think Edgar M. Bronfman has written about jihad attacks against Israelis and Jews around the world as inflicting “great harm”?

Both Jews and Muslims lose when rhetoric like this is put out into the world. It is a dangerous conflation of two things that are not equivalent: that supporting Israel means hating Muslims, and that Israeli versus Arab equates with Jew versus Muslim.

It is Bronfman who is conflating things that are not equivalent: he is saying that to resist jihad is to hate Muslims. But…but…but doesn’t he also believe that all Muslims except a tiny minority hate and oppose jihad terror? So why would resisting jihad bother them? And which is worse: Muslims who murder Jews and then pass out candies to celebrate, or my ads calling for resistance against those barbarians?

These ads are an unfortunate case of enforcing the first article of the Bill of Rights to protect what is essentially hate speech. They are an abuse of rights we hold dear as Americans: freedom of speech and freedom of religion. It’s both offensive and ineffective. I, for one, will not tolerate such bigotry put out into the world in the name of my religion.

“An abuse of rights.” That means he wants my ads banned. He will even throw the freedom of speech under the bus to appease Muslims.

I am a committed Zionist with a deep love of Israel and a proud Jew, but it is clear to me that the messagesconveyed by these billboards only serve to further factionalize an already deep divide and bolster dangerous stereotypes. As heirs to the Abrahamic tradition of welcoming strangers into their tents, American Jews and Muslims must serve as examples for civilized dialogue and coexistence between the two faiths. Together, both communities have a great potential to inspire hope and a responsibility to serve as role models of mutual respect. After all, if we as Americans can’t learn to be respectful of each other, what chance do our brothers and sisters have in the Middle East? We have an important opportunity to model democracy in action to the people who share our faiths throughout the world.

Which Muslims does he think are going to join him in modeling this mutual respect? Is he aware of the blood-curdling Jew-hatred preached regularly in Judea and Samaria and Gaza? Is he aware of how deeply Islamic antisemitism is rooted in Islamic texts and teachings?

While we cherish free speech, we must also be vigilant about its potential harm. We are all Americans and our shared love of freedom should not be abused. In the case of these billboards, neither Jews nor Muslimsshould suffer from assumptions about their beliefs and loyalties. As a Jew, I can’t imagine that my desire for mutual respect and dialogue instead of inflammatory rhetoric is any different than a Muslim’s.

Mutual respect — note the Obamoid language. But when, exactly, has a Muslim group shown real respect for Jews, Judaism and Israel?

Having my faith associated with hate speech placed on billboards on subways, I feel as alienated and stereotyped as I imagine Muslims do by being branded as terrorists. Hate speech must not be accepted as civil discourse. We can make a more powerful statement against terrorism by showing the world how people of different faiths and political views can disagree peacefully and respectfully. Surely that is a better message to spread than one that perpetuates hate, disdain and distrust. That should be self-evident, but sadly it isn’t, and it is often further obscured by the political diatribes that are put forth in the name of religion.

The real hate, disdain and distrust is coming from the imams in the mosques. I hope Edgar M. Bronfman wakes up to that and stops defaming defenders of freedom, before it’s too late.

October 22, 2012 | 22 Comments »

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22 Comments / 22 Comments

  1. \\\
    Edgar Brofman is a “bootlegger” and he lives off his family,s ill gained monies. He is a disgrace to the Jewish people and why we care what he does or says is beyond me. PARIAH

  2. That’s what happens when Jewish “leadership” comes from the ranks of givirim (the rich). To grow up in luxury, to go to fancy schools, to mix with the brats of the “movers and shakers,” to be protected from reality, to be indulged and to be diluded by one’s own notions of noblesse oblige is to leave Jewish-American community in the hands of those who no longer feel Jewish pain, frustration and fear.
    Edgar, has more in common with the Muslim political and economic hierarchy (who sound all so “reasonable”) than he does with those of us who yearn for the triumph of justice and Jewish rights.
    He can not represent us, generations dreaming of Jewish sovereignty, because he, really is not one of us.
    How do we fire these “representatives?”

  3. Just like the good ole days!!!

    “Adding insult to injury, Reagan decided to sell arms to Saudi Arabia (in addition to the secret buildup that nobody knew about –

    But Reagan had some cover because, only a month earlier, American businessman Edgar Bronfman Sr., the president of the World Jewish Congress, had written an editorial in the New York Times in which he:

    1) argued for an American role in a Middle East peace process;

    2) spoke about “genuine Palestinian needs”;

    3) presented the Arabs as genuinely wanting peace; and

    4) advised the Israeli prime minister to accept the Arabs’ preconditions and to find “an acceptable solution for the Palestinians.” “Mr. Begin…,” Bronfman explained, “must be prepared to go further than endorsing the idea of Palestinian autonomy.”

    More than autonomy: in other words, a Palestinian state! Bronfman was certainly not doing Israel any favors. This must be kept in mind, because, as we will see by the sequel, Bronfman is quite prominent in the American halls of power. This is true as a general rule: only Jews who go out of their way to attack Israel (openly or not so openly) have any influence in Washington.”

    Now why might that be?

    “Not content with the above, in September 1982, Edgar Bronfman, from his perch as President of the World Jewish Congress, publicly endorsed Ronald Reagan’s plan for Middle East peace. Reagan was using Bronfman as a ‘Jewish diplomat’ to speak for Israel, and American newspapers dutifully carried the headline “Jewish leader OKs Reagan peace plan.”

    But who cares what Bronfman said? He was not a spokesman for the Israeli government. As a matter of fact”

    “the [Likud] Israeli government [led by Menachem Begin]…unanimously and totally rejected the American initiative.”

    And what was Bronfman endorsing?

    “The Camp David peace accords call for an interim, five-year period of autonomy for the Palestinian inhabitants of the West Bank and Gaza during which the final status of the territories is to be negotiated.”

  4. Could Edgar by trying to “sweeten” his family’s gangster past? My Father alway “spit” when he heard the Brofman name.

  5. Bronfman claims that the ad “by implication” says that all Muslims are savages. But in fact, the ad doesn’t mention Muslims at all.

    The “implication” of Bronfman demonstrates his own belief that jihadist=muslim = savage. Is he afraid that jihadists will be offended? The ad would be just as true if the words US were substituted for Israel. Jihad needs to be defeated in the US too.Canadian Otter Said:

    Future posters need to draw attention to facts and events that expose the nature of Islam


  6. Mr. Bronfman said, among other shortsighted and wishful thoughts:

    As a Jew, I can’t imagine that my desire for mutual respect and dialogue instead of inflammatory rhetoric is any different than a Muslim’s.

    I challenge Mr. Bronfman to watch this video and write another op-ed to the Washington Post, to apologize for his sheer ignorance of reality.

  7. (The presenter of the article to the Canadian parliament advocating an immigration moratorium — to stop immigration from un-democratic, Islamic countries into Canada — is Muslim. He prefers liberal democracy.)

  8. @ Donald freyman:
    The Muslims to whose defense you have just jumped, are NOT “true believers”. They are comfortable with their status quo but they will not come out to denounce ANY atrocity committed by musloids in the name of Islam. FYI, there have been to date over 19,800 deadly terror attacks by …guess who?
    The sounds of crickets coming from members of this abominable creed (after all, we should not put them all in the same pot…right? Sarc off/) is deafening.
    BTW Donald freyman, have you read the kkkoran?

  9. @ the phoenix:
    That is akin to calling all Jews bloodsucking exploiters and vermin. Do not go the way of Nazi racists. HITLER IS DEAD- DON’T ATTEMPT TO RESURRECT HIM.

  10. @ Yidvocate:

    Bronfman and his ilk of progressive uber-Leftists suffer from a mental disease.

    That kind of sums it all up. Add a little cowardice, and you have the perfect mix…

  11. Bill Narvey Said:

    All Jihadists are savage Muslims. Not all Muslims are savage Jihadists.

    bill, the so called ‘moderate muslims’ that would fall into your latter category are ENABLERS for the jihadis. do not kid yourself. these are the musloids that practice STEALTH jihad, by looting the treasury of the (STUPID)host country, frivolous law suits (muslima insisting on wearing the rag on her head as an employee of disney, for crying out loud)and just spreading their ugly presence into peaceful neighbourhoods and then DEMANDING to be allowed to build their accursed moskkks …etc
    and this is just a quick snippet bill. but you get the idea…

    rational people would have to look long and hard to find a Jew who hates Muslims because they are Muslim.

    well…i don’t know about that bill. islam (submission) is pure unadulturated evil. there are no ifs or buts.
    someone who is a member of this evil cult (that preaches my destruction and that of my family and friends because they are JEWS)is evil.
    i don’t know about you bill, but i hate evil

  12. Bronfman’s op-ed is at: http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/guest-voices/post/ex-warner-music-chair-hate-speech-must-not-be-accepted-as-civil-discourse/2012/10/12/e395105a-14a1-11e2-ba83-a7a396e6b2a7_blog.html

    The man lives in an alternate universe.

    He says:

    These ostensibly pro-Israel billboards that deem Jihadists, and by implication Muslims, as “savages”….

    This is the same nonsense spewed by innumerable American Muslims and their activist anti-Israel organizations. All Jihadists are savage Muslims. Not all Muslims are savage Jihadists.

    Both Jews and Muslims lose when rhetoric like this is put out into the world. It is a dangerous conflation of two things that are not equivalent: that supporting Israel means hating Muslims, and that Israeli versus Arab equates with Jew versus Muslim.

    More nonsense. Supporting Israel does not mean hating Muslims. Some Jews perhaps do hate the Jihadist Muslim savages, but that is not hatred of all Muslims.

    To put it another way, rational people would have to look long and hard to find a Jew who hates Muslims because they are Muslim. A rational person however, doesn’t have to look long and hard at all to find a very great many Muslims and not just Muslim Jihadist savages who hate Israel because it is a Jewish nation and they hate Jews because they are Jews.

    As for the Israel vs. Arab war it does not for Jews equate to Jews vs. Muslims, but for Muslims it sure as hell does equate to hate filled intolerant Arabs/Muslims vs. Jews.

    These ads are an unfortunate case of enforcing the first article of the Bill of Rights to protect what is essentially hate speech. They are an abuse of rights we hold dear as Americans: freedom of speech and freedom of religion. It’s both offensive and ineffective. I, for one, will not tolerate such bigotry put out into the world in the name of my religion.

    Apart from Bronfman essentially advocating restricting freedom of speech in America, what is apparent is that while he will not tolerate anything resembling (to him), bigotry by a few Jews against Muslims, he displays infinite tolerance for pure unadulterated vicious antisemitism coming from the majority, if not vast majority of the Muslim world.

    As heirs to the Abrahamic tradition of welcoming strangers into their tents, American Jews and Muslims must serve as examples for civilized dialogue and coexistence between the two faiths. Together, both communities have a great potential to inspire hope and a responsibility to serve as role models of mutual respect.

    As noted the majority, if not vast majority of the Muslim world show no respect for Jews and Israel, no willingness to change and every intent to ensure that hatred, intolerance and disprespect of Jews will go on forever.

    As I said Bronfman is living in an alternate universe. Too bad that so many other Jews share that universe with him.

  13. Agree with your point on immigration, Canadian Otter. (Earlier this month there was a presentation titled “Standing on guard for thee” presented to the parliamentary Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration. The gist of the report was to halt immigration to Canada from un-democratic Islamic states, and that it is a matter of security. Canadians must choose multiculturalism or the ideals of a democratic, liberal state. And the choice involves one or the other — can’t have both).

  14. What a putz. I’m tired of my faith being represented by the likes of liberals like Bronfman. We desperately need new and vibrant leadership to replace the alta kachers who’s politics are stuck in the 20th century. We need new leaders who speak out against jihad and islamic Jew-hatred and who unabashedly support the right of Jews to ALL of the land of Israel and who don’t promote a fakestinian islamic terror state.

  15. The ultimate enemies of Israel and the Jewish people are OUR leaders. They have been and are implicit in these territorial withdraws and concessions. They have a mental disease that is an odious hate of what they know, in the recesses and cavities of the few unaffected zones in their brains, is the correct act to advocate.

    Cannot be cured without years of psycho analysis. I have several family members who tell me that BO is one of the best presidents of all time.

    When I say that if this were true, his polling numbers would be much much better and Romney would not be doing as well as he is, especially in eastern American states (OH, NH and PA), they get angry and passionate and lose “it” for about 20 secs before calming down.

    Bronfman is the winner of the lucky sperm club. It is really his dad etc., those born before him, that really earned the Bronfmans their fortune.

  16. Bronfman and his ilk of progressive uber-Leftists suffer from a mental disease. You can no more “reason” with a disease than you can with these people. Regrettably the disease if left to it’s own devises is surely fatal and is resistant to treatment.

  17. PART 2 of comment held for moderation.

    Future posters need to draw attention to facts and events that expose the nature of Islam with the aim of raising awareness and public support for immigration reform. Calling jihadists names only diverts attention towards perceived racism and injured Muslim sensitivities. The discussion needs to be about the true nature of Islam, what Islam does to Muslim men, women and children, and to those western countries that host them – not about semantics.

  18. PART 1 of comment held for moderation:

    The Jihad posters again. WaPo, Bronfman and his ilk can’t do even a fraction of the damage that Israeli politicians are doing to Israel. Israeli websites report a never-ending string of terror attacks perpetrated against Jews in their own country, and multiple instances of Arab takeover of Jewish land on both sides of the Green line. All that under the benevolent gaze of Israeli authorities. Also, what Israeli academics state and publish is many times more damaging than whatever the US Jews and media say about Israel.

    The posters about Jihad are well intentioned but quite ineffective. Until there is frank discussion about western immigration policies, US Muslim population will continue to grow in numbers and influence. This will certainly bring more sharia law and increased curtailment of freedoms.

  19. The Jihad posters again. WaPo, Bronfman and his ilk can’t do even a fraction of the damage that Israeli politicians are doing to Israel. Israeli websites report a never-ending string of terror attacks perpetrated against Jews in their own country, and multiple instances of Arab takeover of Jewish land on both sides of the Green line. All that under the benevolent gaze of Israeli authorities. Also, what Israeli academics state and publish is many times more damaging than whatever US Jews and media say about Israel.

    The posters about Jihad are well intentioned but quite ineffective. Until there is frank discussion about western immigration policies, US Muslim population will continue to grow in numbers and influence. This will certainly bring more sharia law and increased curtailment of freedoms.

    Posters need to draw attention to facts and events that expose the nature of Islam with the aim of raising awareness and public support for immigration reform. Calling jihadists names only diverts attention towards perceived racism and injured Muslim sensitivities. The discussion needs to be about the true nature of Islam, what Islam does to Muslim men, women and children, and to those western countries that host them – not about semantics.