There is no need to “annex our land.” The Jewish people declared sovereignty over the Land of Israel on 14 may 1948 and it has been Israeli sovereign land ever since. Please do not recognize the Jordanian and Egyptian occupation of parts of the Land for 19 years as legal. It never was. Judea, Samaria and Gaza are integral parts of the Land of Israel and have been so since 14 May 1948. After the liberation in 1967 there is no need for “annexation,” as this would be to admit that the territories were not parts of Israel during the 19 years of foreign occupation.
A very insightful comment.
Thank you for making this point. I agree 100%.
Edgar is right and these are important issues, to me the most important of all
In the present political climate every historical liar is active falsifying history. There is a whole industry based on falsifying the Ukrainian war going on as we speak. That is how it is done. The present media is at the centre of this falsification as we go on, taking a liberty here, a silence there and lies everywhere
So the population becomes submerged by irrelevant media gossip.
Go back to Balfour, Paris Peace Conference and San Remo and remember to Keep it Simple. Make our own simple but true narrative. And do it.
Ther’s no need to annex, they already belong to Israel via The Jewish People Decided at San Remo, Sevres and The Balfour Letter Which is an important part of The British Mandate.
For it’s own purposes, to avoid policing hundreds of thousands of illegal Arabs, Israel didn’t extend rule over YESHA.
All it has to do is extend Israeli Law over the area and acknowledge that the Arabs are Jordanian citizens. Annexing gives the false impression the YESHA didn’t already belong to Israel.
Yishai Fleischer is correct. Why does Israel tarry one day more?
No better time than now to finally annex Judea, Samaria and Gaza.
Ted Belman
tbelman3- at-
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There is no need to “annex our land.” The Jewish people declared sovereignty over the Land of Israel on 14 may 1948 and it has been Israeli sovereign land ever since. Please do not recognize the Jordanian and Egyptian occupation of parts of the Land for 19 years as legal. It never was. Judea, Samaria and Gaza are integral parts of the Land of Israel and have been so since 14 May 1948. After the liberation in 1967 there is no need for “annexation,” as this would be to admit that the territories were not parts of Israel during the 19 years of foreign occupation.
A very insightful comment.
Thank you for making this point. I agree 100%.
Edgar is right and these are important issues, to me the most important of all
In the present political climate every historical liar is active falsifying history. There is a whole industry based on falsifying the Ukrainian war going on as we speak. That is how it is done. The present media is at the centre of this falsification as we go on, taking a liberty here, a silence there and lies everywhere
So the population becomes submerged by irrelevant media gossip.
Go back to Balfour, Paris Peace Conference and San Remo and remember to Keep it Simple. Make our own simple but true narrative. And do it.
Ther’s no need to annex, they already belong to Israel via The Jewish People Decided at San Remo, Sevres and The Balfour Letter Which is an important part of The British Mandate.
For it’s own purposes, to avoid policing hundreds of thousands of illegal Arabs, Israel didn’t extend rule over YESHA.
All it has to do is extend Israeli Law over the area and acknowledge that the Arabs are Jordanian citizens. Annexing gives the false impression the YESHA didn’t already belong to Israel.
Yishai Fleischer is correct. Why does Israel tarry one day more?
No better time than now to finally annex Judea, Samaria and Gaza.