Following reports for the last months, left me with the impression that differences were being worked out. When Bibi was leaving for the US he asked to speak at on Synagogue. He stressed the importance of his upcoming trip and asked the congregants to pray for his success. It appears that Bibi has agreed not to take action until Iran reaches the very critical stage in March and Obama has clarified his intend to prevent Iran getting the bomb. The fact that Saudi Arabia is dead set against Iran getting the bomb too, may well have factored into Obama’s commitment. I believe the war of words will now end. Ted Belman
Obama, Netanyahu united against Iran nuclear drive
US president speaks with Israeli PM following UNGA speech; reiterate US’ commitment to preventing Tehran from going nuclear; GOP candidate Romney says doesn’t think force will ultimately be needed
Yitzhak Benhorin, YNET
WASHINGTON – President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday expressed solidarity on the goal of preventing Iran from acquiring a nuclear weapon, the White House said on Friday, amid signs of easing tensions over their differences on how to confront Tehran.
Obama, who opted not to meet Netanyahu on his US visit, spoke by phone to the Israeli leader, who used his UN speech on Thursday to keep up pressure on Washington to set a “red line” for Tehran.
US shares Israeli goal on Iran, stops short of ‘red line’
Netanyahu’s cartoon bomb timed to make big impact
The two’s phone conversation signified, to an extent, a sign of movement toward a truce in their war of words over how to confront Tehran.
But in a softening of his approach, Netanyahu also signaled that no Israeli attack on Iran was imminent before the November 6 US presidential election.
According to Washington sources, Obama’s aides believe that he has played his cards right with Netanyahu, with whom the president has had a notoriously testy relationship.
Netanyahu’s strident complaints about US policy on Iran in mid-September plunged US-Israeli relations into crisis, but also spurred a backlash at home and in the US media for seeming to meddle in American politics.
In recent days, the Israelis have sought to dial down the rhetoric, culminating in Netanyahu’s speech to the UN General Assembly, which was widely seen as sending a message that Israel would not blindside Washington with a unilateral attack on Iran any time soon.
“The two leaders underscored that they are in full agreement on the shared goal of preventing Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon,” the White House said in a summary of their 20-minute phone conversation.
But it stopped short of saying Obama had given any ground on his resistance to issuing an ultimatum to Tehran as Netanyahu has demanded.
“It was a good conversation. They discussed all the issues,” said a senior Israeli official.
An Obama aide went further, saying, “The temperature is lower than it had been.”
“I think we are moving in a direction where the differences that were there, which were always tactical and not strategic, are in fact being managed at this point,” Dennis Ross, Obama’s former Middle East adviser, told MSNBC.
Romney: Strike may be unnecessary
Meanwhile, Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney said Friday that he does not believe military action will be necessary to prevent Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.
The GOP hopeful said he discussed the issue with Netanyahu by telephone Friday afternoon, adding that it was unclear whether there is any difference between the US and Israel’s so-called “red lines” on when launching military action against Iran would be appropriate.
Romney said could not “completely take the military option off the table” because Iran needs to take the threat seriously.
He added that he does not believe force will ultimately be needed.
“I do not believe in the final analysis we will have to use military action,” Romney said. “I certainly hope we don’t have to. I can’t take that action off the table.”
Netanyahu argues that an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities may be the only answer.
@ Canadian Otter:
Since prison inmates are more intelligent than the police, stands to reason that those guarding them relatively to police must be a bit more intelligent. In America contrary to popular urban myth, Police don’t catch most criminals especially the white collar variety. Most police can’t even spell white collar.
TSA Agent Gets Caught Stealing iPad, Blames Wife
TSA agent caught stealing License to steal…
@ yamit82:
Could the following be the reason for this and other bizarre police behavior?
It’s been reported that applicants with high IQ are routinely rejected by police academies. People with above average intelligence are deemed not suitable for the job.
There is an even lower bar for applicants for TSA jobs. They prefer individuals with psychological traits that make them intimidating and abusive. Whistleblowers have claimed that applicants with criminal records, including rape, are welcome to TSA. Anyone can google “TSA Criminal Record” and will find plenty of disturbing information there.
Simply put Netanyahu is a whimp, or as one Israeli talking head said, barking dogs do not bite.
@ Bernard Ross:
I particularly had in mind the fact that Robert Wright himself posted what I wrote after it had initially been censored.
Robert Wright • a month ago ?
A reader named Mladen Andrijasevic emailed to say that a comment submitted by him/her had been “censored” by The Atlantic. That seems unlikely to me, and I suspect there’s been a misunderstanding. Anyway, for the record, here is the comment as emailed:
You journalists in the US are so far away from reality that you
do not understand anything any more regarding the Middle East. You
welcomed the Arab Spring without any serious analysis and now you have the
Islamist president of Egypt pulling a Reichstag burning. You think Israel
is bluffing because you just cannot imagine that Iran is actually serious about
starting a nuclear war despite the consequences to its population. Yet you
disregard the warnings of people who are most qualified to judge Iran’s
intentions – scholars of |Islam in the West like Bernard Lewis and Raphael
Israeli both of whom believe the mutually assured destruction doctrine will not
work with Iran.
David Grossman vs. Bernard Lewis. Whom do you trust more on
Another thing, all those computer viruses — who was leaking all this info to the press?? Who was giving a head’s up to the Iranians? That would be Obama. I think Obama should be impeached — there are so many instances where he has endangered, if not cost, American lives, been utterly derelict in his duties, siding with enemies (treason), operating completely lawlessly (as if he is above the law) — articles of impeachment should be drawn up.
What a disaster in the making. As if the Liar in Chief at the White House has any intentions whatsoever to support Israel or prevent Iran from going nuclear. March will be too late. I wonder what Obama threatened so as to ensure no Israeli strike prior to the antisemite’s re-election?
yamit82 Said:
the article said “A police spokesperson said officers are allowed to use their own judgement,..” LOL! Da cop needs a shrink!
@ leonard white: I have become very curious as to what motivates someone who despises Jews to loiter about a website frequented by many Jews. Perhaps a book by one of those European Jews might help you to get a handle; I suggest Freud.
leonard white Said:
But would you be capable of reading it?
leonard white Said:
ignorance truly is bliss. Guess you really were born yesterday as your reality appears to begin the day before. Considering your “thoughts” I wonder why you are writing here, have you ever heard the term “fag hag”? Perhaps you are “looking for love in all the wrong places” or did you just get lost?
So now it seems that Israel and the USA are going to stop Iran through diplomacy rather than force. Sounds very much like1938 with Chamberlin waving a piece of paper with Hitler’s signature on it and boasting how he and Hitler had come to an agreement on peace. We have today’s Hitler in Iran constantly threatening to wipe Israel off the map and we have today’s “leaders” in the USA and Israel following that same wonderful formula that brought peace to Europe in1938. I’m beginning to think that Netanyahu is as much a disaster for Israel as Obama is for thiscountry.
@ Canadian Otter:
I couldn’t resist this.
Mom fined $50 by police after two-year-old son pees on a Philadelphia sidewalk
Read more:
@ Mladen Andrijasevic:
I discarded the partisan hack job by Bloomfied and Goldberg. I agreed with his main point of BB throwing Romney under the Bus not to mention we Israelis.
@ Canadian Otter:
This is not satire which proves real life is funnier and weirder
Mom Ticketed After 2-Year-Old Son Pees on Street
The woman tells NBC10 she received a $50 ticket for public urination after her 2-year-old son peed on the street.
Kids Arrested in DC on Lemonade Freedom Day
U.S. Capitol police get out the handcuffs and arrest kids for selling lemonade near the Capitol.
Mladen Andrijasevic Said:
I read the article you referred to and have to wonder why subscribe to the Atlantic. The article was totally superficial, almost as if written by someone just trying to get their salary without doing any work, its an insult to any readers intelligence. When listing threats no mention was seven made of Ahmdinejeads threats. Most opinion “journalism” today is characterised by superficiality,lacking supporting evidence and meant for those who dont do their homework.
Gee, I wonder who bloomfield is voting for? LOL!!! At least he saved the cost of an ad in Jpost.
@ Laura:
Laura you got that right.
You know I have stated many times mr obama cannot be trusted.
He is a liar, liar and lies.
Nothing more than a acorn community organizer, anti-Semite pretending to be Christian for political reasons who embraces Islam.
A phony supported by the likes of george soros and liberal left media.
All want a world order. fools, fools and fools
First order of business for Mit Romney as president, get us the hell out of the UN, this worthless body controlled by gangster nations.
@ yamit82:
Romney told the truth about the Brits, the Palestinians and Iran. But the American press has been distorting the situation in the Middle East for so long that the truth looks weird. See what Melanie Phillips has to say about Romney here
Jeff Goldberg of The Atlantic is as ignorant about Islam in general and Shia eschatology in particular as all US journalists are. He may be sympathetic to Netanyahu only if compared to the hatred for Bibi displayed by most of the mainstream media. They do not understand what is going on because they have never done their homework, never read the Koran nor the hadith. He and others in the Atlantic have censored my posts so many times that I gave up, since it feels like I’m back in the USSR. Initially they reacted to my criticism and posted this
but a few days later my posts started disappearing again.
I believe that if American Jews behave responsibly and educate themselves about the Iranian threat by let’s say reading Matthias Kuntzel’s article, see below, fewer of them would vote for Obama, but the chances of that happening are slim since how will they know about Matthias Kuntzel, and the mainstream media just does not write about the Mahdi and Shia eschatology.
Matthias Küntzel – Antisemitism, Messianism and the Cult of Sacrifice:The Iranian Holy War
Unfortunately, most American Jews in New York have no idea what is going on in the Middle East. In my experience they are more ignorant about what is actually transpiring than the Russian students living in the USSR were of the West in the 1970s. Surprising but true.
Obama will renege on any deal he made with Bibi if he is reelected.
I couldn’t resist this.
And quite appropriate, considering the current state of the world, here is an article by The Onion about a young American who has already lost his faith in humanity.
And he’s only six days old!
The shadowy elite that run the world (and Israel) are determined to trust the government of Iran with the ownership and operation of a nuclear arsenal. – Iran? – The same country that bases its foreign policy on the US satirical website THE ONION?
Only that they don’t know it’s satirical!!!
Iran News Agency fooled by The Onion – Iran’s Fars News Agency ran a piece from The Onion today as news. The piece, a parody, reported that a Gallup poll had concluded that an overwhelming majority of rural white Americans would rather vote for Ahmadinejad than for Obama. Fars ran the piece as fact.
The lingering questions are, could The Onion start a war? Or something else? The possibilities are endless.
@ Mladen Andrijasevic:
BB has never made a major political decision good or bad unless he was forced to do so, and even then…
In the last 3.5 years what can BB show as an accomplishment other than manipulating the system to keep the reins of power? I don’t count building freezes, beating up Jewish kids and bulldozing Jewish homes of patriotic good Jews. or kissing Obama’s ass.
@ Mladen Andrijasevic:
I don’t agree with everything Bloomfield writes here but enough to post it, in light of Ted’s remarks.
Did Bibi just throw Romney under the bus?
09/19/2012 22:33
Washington Watch: It is dawning on Netanyahu that Obama is likely to be around for another four years.
@ yamit82:
I would not jump to such conclusion about Bibi. It could be that this is all a stratagem to put the mullahs off guard. We will know in a month. Bibi is in the same boat as all of us and as someone who quotes Bernard Lewis about MAD he knows that since MAD does not work with Iran then they just cannot let Iran have the bomb – period. If he miscalculates we all suffer the consequences. It could be that all the Stuxnet, Duqu, Flame and Mahdi viruses have provided enough info on the state of the Iranian progress to be able to, with high degree of probability, know the actual state of their progress which allowed Bibi to postpone the deadline
what is the value of a bibi obama deal if obama is not re elected? Obama did not honor bush deals with sharon.
BB has sold us out.
I’m not surprised.
“Barking” dogs they say do not bite, but BB is lower than a dog, he is a skunk and a weasel.
Only the pathological political indifference of Israelis is keeping BB and the Likud in power. Israelis have long past, ceased to believe in our political establishment or expect anything positive from them. Where I live I have not found a single resident who likes or respects BB. I would say he is quite hated here in the South.
So Bibi has decided to trust Obama who supports the Muslim Brotherhood, the most anti-Semitic and anti-American organization there is?
Ari Shavit – The pot calling the kettle black. Why doesn’t Ari Shavit interview Bernard Lewis, Raphael Israeli or Matthias Kuntzel?