Why Republicans are losing

By Ted Belman

The polls have all but declared Obama the victor come the elections.

The Conservatives hate almost everything Obama stands for, including
abandonment of Israel, embrace of the MB at home and abroad, embrace of Islam at home and abroad, tax and spend, ever growing deficit and debt, abortion, gay marriage, a weakened military and so on.

Even if the polls are not as scientific as they should be (see JUICED: PRO-OBAMA POLLS RELY ON RECORD DEM TURNOUT, they are telling us something.

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“What is going on here?” the conservatives ask. They can’t believe what’s happening. Sure Romney is as flat as a pancake, as dull as a dud, as uninspiring as a flat tire and so on. That is not to say that a different nominee would have won, only to say that a different and better nominee would have done better.

Here’s what I think the problem is.

1. Obama is likeable even if all his policies aren’t
2. A majority of Americans believe in progressive taxation so they are in favour of taxing the rich.
3. They see the democratic party as the party who will best protect the poor.
4. They like Obama’s foreign policy because he is ending wars and wants to improve America’s image abroad (even if he is not succeeding). They perceive Republicans are more for war.
5. They think that Obama will bring peace between Israel and the PA even is this means pressuring Israel.
6. They like interfaith dialogue and aren’t ready to confront Islam or Muslims.

Go ahead, add to my list.

September 26, 2012 | 69 Comments »

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19 Comments / 69 Comments

  1. @ Bernard Ross:

    Power and money, like the house in a poker game: winners and losers but the house always wins.

    Republicans and Democrats are equally corrupt, incompetent, and populist. Their programs are equally murky. No wonder US voters split between

    the Republican and Democrat electorate randomly, approximately half in each camp. In a democracy, when major forces are more or less equal, minor swing groups become decisive.

    The US, accordingly, fluctuates between pro-business and welfare policies, militancy and pacifism, moral conservatism and permissive nihilism. No policy is implemented, no end achieved, no constituency satisfied. But the powers who back both sides can never lose. Plitics as we have it is only a diversion from the truth and maintains the myth that the people have control and real choices. When things go south for the elites they take you to war to cover up their mistakes and financial thievery. American politics is like a “Three-card Monte”

    All Americas enemies need do is wait out the political cycle for the next change of administrations which will happen after 4 years or eight.

  2. @ Bernard Ross:

    Power and money, like the house in a poker game: winners and losers but the house always wins.

    Republicans and Democrats are equally corrupt, incompetent, and populist. Their programs are equally murky. No wonder US voters split between

    the Republican and Democrat electorate randomly, approximately half in each camp. In a democracy, when major forces are more or less equal, minor swing groups become decisive.

    The US, accordingly, fluctuates between pro-business and welfare policies, militancy and pacifism, moral conservatism and permissive nihilism. No policy is implemented, no end achieved, no constituency satisfied. But the powers who back both sides can never lose. Plitics as we have it is only a diversion from the truth and maintains the myth that the people have control and real choices. When things go south for the elites they take you to war to cover up their mistakes and financial thievery. American politics is like a three card monte.

    All Americas enemies need do is wait out the political cycle for the next change of administrations which will happen after 4 years or eight.

  3. yamit82 Said:

    The American people should not have to pay for the perfidy of it’s politicians and the Money Junkies.

    Power and money, like the house in a poker game: winners and losers but the house always wins. The players dont win or lose they just keep passing their money back and forth and give some to the house. Of course the house makes the rules. Everybody has this idea that they are getting choices between repubs and dems but its an illusion. Big money can deal with any ideology. They support whoever has control and is willing to make deals. I think that it is conceded that the MB will be able to exercise control over muslims and that is why they are getting support from the west. I should add that that support would not be forthcoming without the knowledge that deals will be made. They have decided that the huge american consumption engine is no longer the big money, hence big money is focused on deals with asia, and america will be put out to pasture(drop to a level of sustainability. They also have more freedom and flexibility dealing with controlled populations and nations. When chinese rulers make a deal with those interests there is big money to be made. There is no problem between the rulers of money and the rulers of people. Money is going to focus on building the massive consumption engines of Asia. China is building massive empty cities. There are no ideologies in politics, only money and power, ideologies are given to fools to consume and “vote” upon.

  4. yamit82 Said:

    The American people should not have to pay for the perfidy of it’s politicians and the Money Junkies.

    Power and money, like the house in a poker game: winners and losers but the house always wins. The players dont win or lose they just keep passing thier money back and forth and give some to the house. Of course the house makes the rules. Everybody has this idea that they are getting choices between repubs and dems but its an illusion. Big money can deal with any ideology. They support whoever has control and is willing to make deals. I think that it is conceded that the MB will be able to exercise ocontrol over muslims and that is why they are getting support from the west. I should add that that support would not be forthcoming without the knowledge that deals will be made. They have decided that the huge american consumption engine is no longer the big money, hence big money is focused on deals with asia, and america will be put out to pasture(drop to a level of sustainability. They also have more freedom and flexibility dealing with controlled populations and nations. When chinese rulers make a deal with those interests there is big money to be made. There is no problem between the rulers of money and the rulers of people. Money is going to focus on building the massive consumption engines of Asia. China is building massive empty cities. There are no ideologies in politics, only money and power, ideologies are given to fools to consume and “vote” upon.

  5. @ Bernard Ross:

    I see trade wars, currency wars and real war because when the first two fail they take us to war. For the better part of the 20th century we had the Communist bogeyman and now they have substituted radical Islam and al Qaeda, called it a war on terror like they declared the ‘War on Poverty’ ‘The war on Drugs’ American love wars. Think back over the past 100 years and count how many years America has not been at war with somebody or something.

    1% of Americans own and control over 45% of the wealth of America and the top 15% of Americans own and control over 85% of the wealth of America. Wealth being all liquid assets minus liabilities. Few of these Americans (top 15%) got their wealth through or by the sweat of their brow. They are money junkies who use the power of their wealth to insure they get all the favorable legal advantages to keep and increase their wealth. Money is power and power is money and almost none get to wear prison uniforms but is a 2 year old pisses on a tree in the USA he gets arrested. Corzine M S Global who stole almost 2 $ billion, got a pass as did all of the big Banksters. Bernie Madoff made the mistake of stealing from the 1% otherwise he to would have been given a pass.

    Note American wages of Joe working stiff American has been flat adjusted for inflation for the past 30 years while corporate America has robbed America blind.

    The American people should not have to pay for the perfidy of it’s politicians and the Money Junkies. They will though and the American government will enforce their will through the power of the police, the courts and the military. NDAA

  6. @ yamit82:So much for allowing the “free market to do what it does best” The only way out without sudden massive disruptions and crashes is probably the printing of money,inflation, devaluation of currency ergo devaluation of debt. those who are not operating in the best intersts of a community, or society, should be limited in their ability to access that society’s market. This includes big corporations, foreign corporations,etc. when these big corporations fail and govt injects money their shares should got to the govt and ultimately the people. This is one way to maintain free enterprise while redistributing the ownership of corrupt corporations. As it stands now the govt takes the bailout risk but gets none of the profits resulting after recovery. The same shareholders keep dumping their crimes on the people. do the rockefellers still own citibank? Also, the chinese solution to corporate corruption is good. All these criminals should be hunted down and their assets seized.

  7. My continued comment to #8 got blocked by filter and it should be posted because people have a right to know the truth.

    I detailed how Corporate and Government collusion (Fascism) has destroyed not only the American economy but the worlds. It’s going to explode because it’s too massive to contain for long. Europe is disintegrating and America is being kept from the cliff but massive Fed printing and support to their friends around the world with our dollars. The crime is so immense that there are few words to describe what could be coming.

    my guess is WW3, famine and plague. All money (fiat will be worthless) Since the Jews are weighted heavily in the financial markets they will be blamed.

    9 Biggest Banks’ Derivative Exposure – $228.72 Trillion

    There is no government in the world that has this kind of money. This is roughly 3 times the entire world economy. The unregulated market presents a massive financial risk. The corruption and immorality of the banks makes the situation worse.

  8. yamit82 Said:

    Aid to small business? Increase tariffs from low wage and labor exploited nations. Americas domestic population is large enough to support American manufacturing.

    Agreed, I was responding to Ted’s statement that Romneys plan was that cutting taxes and reducing regulations was a plan to aid small business rather than a plan to aid big business profits(which have gone up but not resulted in Jobs) I think it makes no sense to believe that big busness has any interest in creating JObs in the US. They are the ones who went to Asia with their capital and profits, trained the Asians and now sell to the US reaping a larger profit margin and paying less US tax. The US taxpayer now funds this supposedly situation of cheaper prices by spending more money on benefits and lost jobs. Why would anyone give a free hand to those that did this in the first place? I am absolutely for free enterprise, especially small business, but these large corporations gobble up small businessmen, put people out of work, get more profit, bankrupt companies, and then get millions in golden parachutes. Big business and their corrupt political allies(democrats included) need more regulation not less. The best thing worth importing from China is their notion that corrupt politicians and CEO’s deserve execution fro stealing from hundreds of millions of people. This has nothing to do with communism and capitalism but about self interest.
    yamit82 Said:

    Choices seem to be Democrats spending and increasing national debt and Republican austerity.

    Neither will get America out of the hole and both will in their own way exacerbate the current problems.

    yamit82 Said:

    Americas domestic population is large enough to support American manufacturing.

    I think that this is the answer in the medium term until lost jobs, and/or income is replaced. I do not think that lowering the standard of living in order to compete in our own markets with China makes any sense whatsoever except to those getting the profits. Gains made to the society, which result from technology advancements are only being distributed to the ultra rich. The lower classes get to use and by the technology as consumers only. The ultimate logic of this is a society where the rich have all the resources and are served by robots and the rest are laid off to starve. How does a pure free market system distribute the economic gains of technological advance. ” In the past 20 years, the US economy has grown nearly 60 percent. This huge increase in productivity is partly due to automation, the internet, and other improvements in efficiency. But it’s also the result of Americans working harder—often without a big boost to their bottom lines. Oh, and meanwhile, corporate profits are up 20 percent.”
    This is one reason why even though the democrats are getting nowhere the republicans and conservatives are losing trust as to motivation, honesty and competency. There is a Jamaica saying(no puns intended) “..it’s a choice between black dog and monkey”.

  9. @ yamit82:

    The real problem is deregulation and derivative markets.

    Derivatives: The Unregulated Global Casino for Banks

    SHORT STORY: Pick something of value, make bets on the future value of “something”, add contract & you have a derivative.
    Banks make massive profits on derivatives, and when the bubble bursts chances are the tax payer will end up with the bill.
    This visualizes the total coverage for derivatives (notional). Similar to insurance company’s total coverage for all cars.

    LONG STORY: A derivative is a legal bet (contract) that derives its value from another asset, such as the future or current value of oil, government bonds or anything else. Ex- A derivative buys you the option (but not obligation) to buy oil in 6 months for today’s price/any agreed price, hoping that oil will cost more in future. (I’ll bet you it’ll cost more in 6 months). Derivative can also be used as insurance, betting that a loan will or won’t default before a given date. So its a big betting system, like a Casino, but instead of betting on cards and roulette, you bet on future values and performance of practically anything that holds value. The system is not regulated what-so-ever, and you can buy a derivative on an existing derivative.
    Most large banks try to prevent smaller investors from gaining access to the derivative market on the basis of there being too much risk. Deriv. market has blown a galactic bubble, just like the real estate bubble or stock market bubble (that’s going on right now). Since there is literally no economist in the world that knows exactly how the derivative money flows or how the system works, while derivatives are traded in microseconds by computers, we really don’t know what will trigger the crash, or when it will happen, but considering the global financial crisis this system is in for tough times, that will be catastrophic for the world financial system since the 9 largest banks shown below hold a total of $228.72 trillion in Derivatives – Approximately 3 times the entire world economy. No government in world has money for this bailout. Lets take a look at what banks have the biggest Derivative Exposures and what scandals they’ve been lately involved in. Derivative Data Source: ZeroHedge.

    9 Biggest Banks’ Derivative Exposure – $228.72 Trillion

    There is no government in the world that has this kind of money. This is roughly 3 times the entire world economy. The unregulated market presents a massive financial risk. The corruption and immorality of the banks makes the situation worse.

    If you don’t want to bank with these banks, but want to have access to free ATM’s anywhere– most Credit Unions in USA are in the CO-OP ATM network, where all ATM’s are free to any COOP CU member and most support depositing checks. The Credit Unions are like banks, but invest all their profits to give members lower rates and better service. They don’t have shareholders to worry about or have derivatives to purchase and sell.

    Keep an eye out in the news for “derivative crisis”, as the crisis is inevitable with current falling value of most real assets.
    Data Source: ZeroHedge

    Bank of New York Mellon

    BNY has a derivative exposure of $1.375 Trillion dollars.
    Considered a too big to fail (TBTF) bank. It is currently facing (among others) lawsuits fraud and contract breach suits by a Los Angeles pension fund and New York pension funds, where BNY Mellon allegedly overcharged the funds on many millions of dollars and concealed it.

    State Street Financial

    State Street has a derivative exposure of $1.390 Trillion dollars.
    Too big to fail (TBTF) bank. It has been charged by California Attorney General (among other) lawsuits for massive fraud on California’s CalPERS and CalSTRS pension funds

    Morgan Stanley

    Morgan Stanley has a derivative exposure of $1.722 Trilion dollars.
    Its a too big to fail (TBTF) bank. It recently settled a lawsuit for over-paying its employees while accepting the
    tax payer funded bailout. Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley had a license plate that said “2BG2FAIL” on his Porsche Cayenne Turbo. All this while $250 million of bailout money ended up in the hands of Waterfall TALF Opportunity, run by the Morgan Stanley’s owners’ wives– Marry a banker for a $250M tax-payer cash injection.
    The bank also got a SECRET $2.041 Trillion bailout from the Federal Reserve during the crisis, beyond the tax payer bailout.

    Wells Fargo

    Wells Fargo has a derivative exposure of $3.332 Trillion dollars.
    Its a too big to fail (TBTF) bank. WF has been charged for its role in allegedly pursuing illegal foreclosures and deceptive loan servicing. Wells Fargo was just slapped with a $85 million fine by Federal Reserve for putting good credit borrowers into bad-credit rating (high rate) loans.
    In March 2010, Wachovia (owned by Wells Fargo) paid $110 million fine for allowing transactions connected to drug smuggling and a $50 million fine for failing to monitor cash used to ship 22 tons of cocaine. It also failed to monitor $378.4 billion (that’s $378400 millions dollars) worth of transactions to Mexican “casas de cambio” (think WesternUnion, anonymous cash transfer) usually linked to drug cartels. Beyond that, WF lets its’ VIP employees live in foreclosed mansions. WF knows how to cash your legit check, then claim “fraud” and close your account. WF also re-orders your transactions to create more overdraft fees. Wells Fargo’s Wachovia also got a SECRET $159 billion bailout from the Federal Reserve.

    Wells Fargo paid NO taxes in 2008-2010 and had a tax rate of NEGATIVE 1.4% while making
    $49 billion in profit during the same time.

    Goldman Sachs

    Goldman Sachs has a derivative exposure of $44.192 Trillion dollars.

    Goldman Sachs has advantage over other banks because it has awesome
    connections in US Government. A lot of former Goldman employees hold high-level
    US Government positions (chart).

    Mitt Romney’s top donor is Goldman Sachs, and one of Obama’s best donors.

    Ex-CEO of Goldman Sachs, Hank Paulson became the Secretary of Treasury under Bush and
    during the 2008 financial crisis authored the TARP bill demanding $700 billion bail-out.
    In UK, Goldman Sachs escaped £10 million bill on a failed tax avoidance scheme with help of good connections.
    The bank is the largest player in the food commodities market, earned $955m from food speculation in 2009″ – That’s your $$$.
    Goldman Sachs employees are arming themselves with guns in case there is a populist uprising against the bank.
    Goldman Sachs calls their investors “muppets”. and use clients to make money for themselves, disregarding the clients.
    The bank was fined $22 million for sharing valuable nonpublic information with top clients (Think insider trading with best clients).
    Goldman Sachs was part-owner America’s leading website for prostitution ads until the ownership stake was exposed.
    Goldman Sachs helped Greece conceal its debt with secret loans, while simultaneously taking advantage of Greece.
    Goldman Sachs got a $814 billion SECRET bailout from the Federal Reserve during the 2008 crisis.
    Goldman Sachs got $10 billion of the 2008 TARP bailout, and in the same year paid $10.9 billion in employee compensation and “benefits”, while paying a tax rate of 1%. That means an average of $327,000 to each Goldman Sach’s employee.


    HSBC has a derivative exposure of $4.321 Trilion dollars.
    HSBC is a Hong Kong based bank and its original name is
    The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.

    You will find HSBC working a lot with JP Morgan Chase.
    Both HSBC and JP Morgan Chase have strong interest in gold & precious metals. HSBC and JP Morgan Chase are often involved together in financial scandals.
    Lately HSBC has been sued for allegedly funneling more than $8.9 billion to the largest ponzi-scheme in history – Bernie Maddof’s investment business.
    HSBC (along w/ JP Morgan Chase) has been sued for alleged conspiracy suppressing the price of silver and gold, partially through precious metal DERIVATIVES and making billions of dollars on it. State of Hawaii is suing HSBC (and other banks) for deceptive credit card lending practices.
    DZ Bank in Germany is suing HSBC (and JP Morgan) for deceptive (lying) practices when selling home-loan-backed securities.
    HSBC is also under investigation for laundering billions of dollars.

    Bank of America

    Bank of America has a derivative exposure of $50.135 Trillion dollars.

    BofA is sticking the tax-payers with a MASSIVE bill, by moving derivatives to
    accounts insured by the federal government @ total of $53.7 trillion as of 06/2011.
    During 2011-12 BofA has been in need of cash, so Warren Buffett gave BofA $5 billion.
    Same year BofA sold its stake in China Construction Bank to raise $1.8 billion in cash.

    Bank of America paid $22 million to settle charges of improperly foreclosing on active-duty troops
    BofA recruited 3 cyber attack firms to attack WikiLeaks. but the Anonymous hacker group hacked the security firms first.
    BofA was sued for $31 billion in home-loan losses in 2011, the bank is involved in many lawsuits, too many to document.
    BofA also received a SECRET $1.344 trillion dollar bailout from the Federal Reserve.


    Citibank has a derivative exposure of $52.102 Trillion dollars.

    Citibank customers have been arrested for trying to close their accounts, while in in Indonesia a man was interrogated to death in Citibank’s special “questioning room”. In 2011 Citibank paid a fine of $285 million for selling home-loan backed bonds to investors, while betting they would lose value (think derivatives/insurance). The man in charge of the unit at Citibank became Obama’s Chief of Staff. 2 weeks before getting hired by Obama he got $900,000 from Citibank for great performance. This was after Citigroup took out $45 billion in bailout money.
    Citibank knowingly passed over bad loans to the Federal Housing Administration to insure.

    Citigroup also received a SECRET $2.513 trillion dollar bailout from the Federal Reserve.

  10. @ Bernard Ross:

    Aid to small business? Increase tariffs from low wage and labor exploited nations. Americas domestic population is large enough to support American manufacturing.

    Boycott all chains when local mom and pop stores can provide all or some of the products chains sell.

    Support community owned business.

    How many small businesses has Romney’s Stables replaced? How many small business employees has Staples replaced with lower paying dead end jobs?

    Large Chains put small businesses at disadvantage because of volumn purchases and suppliers behave as if they are doing small businessmen a favor by selling them merchandise at prices and terms small businessmen can’t compete with.

    I realize some items must be purchased from chains but where the consumer can they should support their local community business.

    The government cannot reduce taxes without reducing government spending and reducing obligations. Since government is the largest employer and purchaser of products, such reductions will reduce not only spending but GDP by up to 10% and increase unemployment to between 20-30%. Which will add to the government spending obligations long term as most government employees are too old or unqualified for any private sector jobs. Reduced Government purchases will impact on American business large and small and drive most marginal small business out of business. Taxes not collected by the newly unemployed and reduced business’s will add to budget deficits and create a downward business cycle forcing more printing of worthless digital dollars creating the hidden tax called inflation.

    Mortgage and credit card defaults will explode forcing Banks and financial institutions to take a big hit. Banks bankruptcies will skyrocket forcing major credit restrictions and overall consumer purchasing and the downward spiral will only get worse.

    I see Bank Holidays and draconian infringement of civil rights. Civil unrest like never seen in America and the world, Resulting in Martial Law and dictatorship in all but name.

    Ironically it’s the American organized Labor who have the numbers and the organization to fight back and this is why both political parties in America are anti Labor.

    Choices seem to be Democrats spending and increasing national debt and Republican austerity.

    Neither will get America out of the hole and both will in their own way exacerbate the current problems.


  11. I would add to my last post to Ted: It is huge american corporations are making massive profits in Asia and paying lower taxes to US. Neither side does anything for small business.

  12. Ted Belman Said:

    cut taxes and regulations so that small business can thrive

    This is a hope, a prayer, not a plan. Where is this “new” plan that is going to focus on small business and pull the US economy out of the doldrums? I have heard of no new special focus on creating new small businesses. Is it a “plan” to say we will cut taxes and lessen regulations? The republicans are trotting out their same tired old story. Their plan is a plan to lower the deficit not an economic plan of recovery. Tighten the belt and whoever suffers will suffer as long as it is not them. What did they do for small business before this year that the democrats didn’t? Both parties are avoiding the real issue which they both created: JOBS AND CAPITAL EXPORTED TO ASIA OVER A 20 YEAR PERIOD! Neither side is discussing that. The democrats are no better. Both sides exacerbated the problem with big business and political corruption but neither’s corruption is the prime cause of the long term lowering of the american standard of living which neither party is admitting to and neither party has a credible plan for a recovery in the current NEW economic situation. What I want to know is what is either party going to do about exporting jobs to china, and please dont tell me “make america more competitive”. Why should america amintain deficits, lower their standard of living merely to guarantee foreign nations access to the american consumer market? It is inaccurateo to say that asian goods are cheaper because the price of that false cheapness is now being paid in a lower living standard and increased govt safety net benefits. Everything is related to that issue and neither side mentions it. Both sides will get the same result without dealing with the real problem: a lowering of the standard of living until Asias consumption engine powers up, years away, and with no guarantees. The dems will try and do it through devaluations resulting from deficit creating a competitive currency and repubs will try and do it by belt tightening, lowering the labor costs cutting govt benefits. By the way, how will these new small businesses compete with huge Asian Corporations eg like whole cites which only manufacture socks?

  13. @ Max:
    You keep a perfect score Max, congratulations! Not one of your idiotic swings gets ever close to reality. I am a former member of the Democratic Party Max. McGovern section. Today’s party is infested to the hilt and has nothing to do with the real party of old.
    What the US is today is totally creditable to the much suspected teleprompter meister with an Islamic penchant, commie background, racial hate monger. A liar on behalf of Islamic murderers as those that performed ghastly attacks against US diplomats, wanton rapes, indulge on slavery, torture, mass murder as in just about every location were your president’s chums alight.
    I have SEEN the results of both filthy communism, with its monstrous Gulags and total depravity at system level. And we live about a kilometer away from Islamic cesspools, without even pets being allowed a decent life.
    That is YOUR line Max. That is what you brought to the US and attempt to force upon us.
    Solon Max.

  14. SHmuel HaLevi Said:

    @ Max:
    Hi Max, back to spread commie garbage?

    LOL Typical propaganda of fascists – McCarthyism – Denounce all enemies as ‘Commies’ or ‘Hooligans’ or whichever keyword of terrorism you can find.

    How ironic you hate Stalinism, because you now live in a Stalinist State. In the Stalinist State a small group of people hold full power and own all the wealth – this is the same situation in the USA. You have been told a lie – you have been told that totalitarian Wealth ownership is ‘Capitalism’ – it is in fact ‘Stalinism’.

    The society you described is a Paradise compared to what the United States has become.

    But I hear you – you believe in ‘might is right’ and the murder suppression and exploitation of the masses by a small group . You have thrown your lot in with them. You have embraced evil. I advocate democracy and capitalism and you advocate totalitarianism.

    There can be no democracy without an equitable sharing of the wealth – a humanistic democracy is not communism.

    Your mind is a cartoon – the rejection of American Fascism does not mean the embrace of Islamic Fascism – it’s quite the contrary. People who believe in Democracy reject all forms of Fascism. The political process in America is owned and controlled totally by fascists as is the media and the national economics.

    Your palace guard accomplices have made America and Canada into slave nations with a population driven insane – just look at one day’s broadcast of the MSM – no one with those lies dumped into their heads could remain sane or self-responsible.

    It’s no good threatening people with Hell, it has already been created in North America. Of course for the nine percent of you that are getting paid off – you got it good, you just have to keep your Kalashnikovs oiled so you can start murdering the masses like all the other Fascist loyalists in the world.

  15. @ Max:
    Hi Max, back to spread commie garbage?
    Did you visit the USSR during its “glory” years? I remember it like if it was today.
    There was a CRT plant outside Moscow that made the 21AX tube for Philips or at least some of them. The Zenith Plant at Melrose Park was called in to supplement that with quality tubes. The USSR made were not up to par. I was one on a Team sent by ZRC to try to re train the USSR pros at that facility.
    Took a train from Belgrade to Moscow… Sometime I will expand on this nightmare but let me tell you what happened when we got there. I think it was the “INTURIST” org. prepared a personal “guide” for each of us and we could never sit to discuss technical upgrades w/o the Plant’s Commissar sitting in.
    We visited at home one Engineer but by magic also we were escorted… all the time.
    A dismal all around way of life. AH… Fantastic stores for the “elite” and dumps for the people.
    Now mix that with islam’s way of life and see what Max and his accomplices want the US to be like.

  16. 1. Obama is likable even if all his policies aren’t
    2. A majority of Americans believe in progressive taxation so they are in favour of taxing the rich.
    3. They see the democratic party as the party who will best protect the poor.
    4. They like Obama’s foreign policy because he is ending wars and wants to improve America’s image abroad (even if he is not succeeding). They perceive Republicans are more for war.
    5. They think that Obama will bring peace between Israel and the PA even is this means pressuring Israel.
    6. They like interfaith dialogue and aren’t ready to confront Islam or Muslims.

    Go ahead, add to my list.

    # 3 not the ‘poor others’ but the ‘poor themselves’ So that’s 15.8 percent of the population and 58 percent of the population who have spent at least one year ‘in poverty’ by official standards – those people would have to be suicidal to vote for the Repubs they are so openly pushing the ideology of fascist rule by the rich – not that they will fare any better under Obama since Obama is a Mandarin of the same economic fascists that back the Republicans but it’ not so obvious.
    and actually 80 percent are under financial duress – “leaving only 15% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary workers)” So that’s 80 percent of the people with a reason to vote for the Dems. The only wonder is that anyone in the lower 90 percent would vote for the Repubs – but that shows the power of owning the media.
    The next 9 percent after the lower 90 percent I think reflects most of the people here, They are the regime loyalists just like the Gadaffi loyalists, the Assad loyalist s the Nazi loyalists – they have a stake in the regime – they will be the ones to organize militias and will start massacring the lower 80 percent when the chips are down.
    # 2 The public is increasingly aware it’s wealth ownership not income as the superrich acquire wealth without it being ‘income’. The public is increasing aware that the superrich is an enemy as deadly as the Islamofascists, They own everything the lower 90 percent has and therefore are now monitoring every detail of their lives both at work and play with extreme fascism. THe public foolishly hope the Dems can save them but unfortunately the Dems are doing the same thing as the Repubs.

    # 9 – CLAIM DENIED! The elite works it worker-slaves to death and when it costs too much to keep them alive they let them die. The Repubs back entities called “Health Insurance Companies”. These orgs are the modern equivalent of the SS running the Concentration camps. They are there to exterminate the excess population through denial of health services after first stripping them of all their assets and collecting buckets of gold teeth.

    What America needs is democracy and the freedom for the public to choose it’s own parties and it’s own leaders before they even decide to vote. If Americans had such freeodm the Dems and the Repubs would disappear and soon after the peopel would have the wealth and everybody could share in capitalism.

    “A huge share of the nation’s economic growth over the past 30 years has gone to the top one-hundredth of one percent, who now make an average of $27 million per household. The average income for the bottom 90 percent of us? $31,244.”