450GB Of ‘Deleted’ Hunter Biden Laptop Material To Be Released, Whistleblower Flees to Switzerland

April 29, 2022 | 2 Comments »

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  1. From Jeff O’Donnell (Forensic Analyst who wrote Mesa County Forensic Report #3)

    OK, the Hunter info I teased about. Some of you may have known this as it got a small amount of press last year but since then more info has come out. So please don’t reply with “Pshaw – I knew than last year”… many more do not, nor do they know all of it.

    Serbia is a country with 34,170 square miles in area.

    In 2016, and again in 2018, GPS records found on Hunter’s laptop show him within 1 mile of Dominion’s Serbia headquarters.

    Dominion Serbia is where a lot of the Democracy Suite programming occurred.

    I have been told by trusted sources that at least two of these programmers have confirmed that there is code in there to influence the election.

    I found the last name of one of them in the Dominion compiled executables. So that checks out.

    So, to ask a question (which is what I usually do), Hunter, what were you doing so near to Dominion Serbia? Coincidences happen, of course, but this would be one heck of one.

  2. If Switzerland’s conduct in this current war between Russia and Ukraine is anything to go by, then if the White House and the private entities supporting could easily go after this whistleblower if they apply enough pressure. Swiss neutrality is a thing of the past.