Bill Ackman is a billionaire hedge fund manager from New York who endorsed President Trump recently. He’s been a Democrat all his life. He made a list of 35 actions that have been taken by Obama-Biden-Harris and the Democrat party that he disagrees with and believes are destroying America from within. This list is the reason Ackman chose President Trump and MAGA over the Democrats. It’s a great summary to share with your liberal or independent friends and family.

BILL ACKMAN: A number of my good friends and family have been surprised about my decision to support Donald Trump for President.

They have been surprised because my political giving history has been mostly to Democrats, my voting registration has typically been Democrat – in New York, you must be registered to the party in order to vote in the primary, and usually the Republican candidate has no chance to win – and many of our philanthropic initiatives have supported issues that are consistent with Democratic priorities.

All of the above said, I have always considered myself to be a centrist and/or moderate, and I have voted for the candidate and supported the issues and policies that I believe are in the best interest of the country.

Some have accused me of supporting Trump because doing so will somehow benefit me financially. Fortunately, I do not need any financial benefits as I and my family have well more than we need. I have also committed to give away the substantial majority of my resources at or by the time I am no longer, so I don’t consider personal financial benefits in the determination of whom I support for office.

Some have suggested that I am supporting Trump because I am seeking a position in his administration. To be clear, I haven’t been offered one and I wouldn’t take a job in the administration (I love my job and it is the wrong time in my life to work in an administration.) I will, however, do everything else I can to help the president succeed in helping our country and its citizens.

All of the above said, I am an investor who manages funds that own some of the best, principally American, businesses in the world. In a better governed and managed America, these businesses will do better and increase in value faster. One might therefore argue that being ‘long’ America is somehow a conflict, so I thought to disclose this potential ‘conflict’ here.

Some of my friends and family who support Kamala Harris are OK with my supporting Trump, but don’t want me to attempt to convince others to support him. Because I strongly believe that a Trump administration will be better for the country and the world than a Harris administration, I think it is important to share my thinking to the extent it helps others come to the right conclusion.

Three months ago, when I endorsed Trump on the day of the first assassination attempt, I promised to share my thinking about why I came to this conclusion in a future, more detailed, post. I intend to do so in possibly more than one post, with the first, this one, explaining the actions and policies of the Biden/Harris administration and Democratic Party that were the catalysts for my losing total confidence in the administration and the Party.

To be clear, my decision to vote for Trump is not an endorsement of everything he has done or will do because he is an imperfect man. Unlike a marriage or a business partnership where there are effectively unlimited alternatives, in this election, we have only two viable choices. Of the two, I believe that Trump is by far the superior candidate despite his flaws and mistakes he has made in the past.

As always, I welcome your feedback on how I could be wrong and on how the below actions and policies I outline below might actually have been good for America. I have always believed that the best way to get to the truth is to hear the best arguments on all sides of an issue.

While the 35 actions I describe below are those of the Democratic Party and the Biden/Harris administration, they are also the actions and policies that unfortunately our most aggressive adversaries would likely implement if they wanted to destroy America from within, and had the ability to take control of our leadership.

These are the 35:


October 21, 2024 | 1 Comment »

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  1. Incredible article!!! It’s tough to discuss candidates with Democrats. They don’t want to do it. This article has everything the Dems need to consider when choosing between Trump and Harris.