Poll: 53%:46% Israelis reject “land for peace”

51%:29% territories captured in ’67 improved State’s situation

Dr. Aaron Lerner Date: 1 June 2007

Telephone poll of a representative sample of Israelis carried out by Dahaf for the Knesset TV channel as reported in the 1 June edition of Makor Rishon:

Do you support giving territory to the Palestinians within the framework of
a peace agreement?
Yes 46% No 53%

Do you support giving the Golan in return for peace with Syria?
Yes 31% No 68%

What alternative for control over the Temple Mount would you support?
7% Full Palestinian control
46% Joint Arab Israeli control
46% Keep under exclusive Israeli control

85% Keep Western Wall under exclusive Israeli control

57% Keep Rachel’s Tomb (Bethlehem) under Israeli control

47% Keep the Machpelah Cave (Second Temple period structure in Hebron built
over the cave where Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are buried) under Israeli
41% Joint control of the Machpelah Cave

Did the territory conquered in the Six Day War improve or worsen the State’s
51% Improved
29% Worsened

June 1, 2007 | 2 Comments »