From high heels to military drills
Anna King, 20, puts off promising modeling career abroad to don army uniform, become Hummer operator. Jerusalem-born model is one of only 100 Christians serving in IDF
Yaron Sasson
Khaki is the new black: Some prefer easy money and the glitzy cat walk, while others opt for grease, sand and military uniform. At this very moment, Anna King – a Christian model from Jerusalem – could have been on the line between New York and Beijing, skipping from photo shoots to runway shows. But King chose to become a Hummer operator at the national center for ground forces training (MALI).
King was born 20 year ago in Jerusalem. Her grandfather is a member of the ascetic Amish sect, and the deep love for Israel was bestowed on her by her parents, who met during a Christian festival that was held in Israel.
Her father established the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem – an organization that supports Israel and encouraged wider Christian understanding of Biblical Zionism.
During her high school studies, King got an offer that changed her life. “I went to get a haircut with my mother,” she recalls. “The barber and his wife, who designs wedding dresses, asked me if I modeled. They said it was good money and showed me some catalogs.”
King began her modeling career shooting evening and wedding gowns for a local catalog; shortly thereafter, she signed a contract with a modeling agency.
“When I got my enlistment order I was contemplating whether to stay in Israel,” King admits.
“They wanted me to model for another big catalog and offered to fly me to Beijing and the United States and sign me on a big modeling contract,” she adds.
‘Gun shells in pocket’
But despite the great temptation, King decided to complete her military service. “I know that modeling offers good money, but it was important for me to enlist. My parents didn’t think I would go through with it, but they supported me.
“During basic training I would come home with stacks of gun shells in my pocket. My mom was mortified, but she slowly got used to it,” King notes.
Currently, King is one of some 100 Christians serving in the IDF. After completing her basic training at the southern Zeelim military base, King was given the position of a Hummer operator.
Although she is a self-proclaimed “spoiled only child,” King’s army service is far from pampering. “Drills can last from midnight until the first hours of the morning, and sometimes we can sleep a whole week in a pup tent,” she said.
In six months, after she completes 20 months of military service, King will receive her Israeli citizenship. Shortly thereafter, she will be released from the IDF, and would be able to switch back from camouflage to makeup.
Levinson your are the king of the sophist argument, But:
We are not the USA but Israel = Jewish state emphasis on Jewish.
We Jews decide what our laws, customs and societal norms are not you nor Christians in or out of Israel.
Any Christian entering Israel is our guest and we presume that they will respect our laws, customs, traditions and societal norms. If they break our laws they should be punished under our statutes and not yours. If they do not respect our customs and traditions I would not prosecute any Jew who beats the crap out of them without fear from penalty. Then have them deported based on causing public disorder. They can have like in any democracy recourse in our courts but only from behind bars till their court date which in Israel can be weeks or months.
We don’t have to justify the level of our Judaism or our individual knowledge of our history and customs to anyone , not to you or to any foreign Christian. They are our guests and will not be molested or bothered by anyone as long as they behave like respectful guests. I don’t care what your liberal progressive attitudes are or whether you choose to compare us to the Taliban.
The fact remains My country! My laws! My rules! And if you don’t like them go fuck yourself. In other words they should behave or don’t come here and if that attitude sticks in your gut tough shit.
You as well, with such an attitude were it up to me would not be welcome here as either. ( We don’t have to worry about that, do we?)
Infested with missionaries. Who you foolin’?!
A Jewish artist friend of mine sold works to the Amish in Iowa in the 1970’s. I will not give the family name as they are well known and the first microwave ovens share their last name. Needless to say, it seems their bible (what they keep HIDDEN from outsiders) was German on one side and Hebrew on the other. Imagine that.
As for prostelyzing, I wouldn’t worry about it. If a Jew doesn’t know who God is without having to be told and educated, then they are prey for Rabbis and Buddhists and Christians and Moslems. Abraham didn’t go to synagogue and I’m sure he would have no use for the black hats.
It’s too bad that religeon confuses so many people.
Since the IDF already accepts Christian Druze and Bedouins I’m not sure what the argument is about. Especially since the ICE doesn’t appear to do much proselytizing, that’s not really given even lip service among the Amish, but seems content to use Christian resources to keep Israel as it is a de facto Jewish state and then maybe someday de jure. Even a broad reading of their website only uses evangelism as defining who founded the embassy but not its actions.
I know, both as a Jewish nationalist and an American nationalist that the help being organized on behalf of Israel in this country and elsewhere by Evangelicals in CUFI and other non-Jewish groups is offered in the spirit of friendship to the Jewish nation. I accept Christian Zionism for what it has been worth to the Jewish nation going back two centuries, and its promise of inestimable potential now in the early 21st century. I know as well as anyone that there are some 40-70 million of these good-hearted and well-meaning people in the USA alone, and a potential of ten times that many elsewhere around our planet. And for that — to whatever extent it can help Israel survive and possibly thrive — I am not an ingrate.
But I cannot speak for the Jews of Israel, who only know that their people have been targeted by massive campaigns to destroy what is left of the Jewish nation by robbing it of its own beliefs. And make no mistake about this, BO. When a Jew crosses the line and accepts Jesus as savior, that marks the utter end of his or her connection with the Jewish nation of Avraham, Ya’acov, the tribes that followed Moshe out of Egypt 34 centuries ago to settle the promised lands astride the Jordan River. It cuts them off from all the frightened, beaten-down, tormented generations of Jews from the time of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, the coming to power of Christianity and later of Islam, right up to the present day.
So your missionaries are not saving the Jewish nation through fishing for the souls of Jews, they are in fact destroying the Jewish nation. Is that what you want, BO? Because if Christianity achieves that purpose, you shall in fact have succeeded in destroying the Jewish nation forever.
So I am with these hardened Jews of Israel, BO. Jewish religion is the mainstay not only of Jewish history but of the very culture of the Jewish nation. And if the only way that the 5.7 million Jews of Israel can save their culture from destruction is to expel all the missionaries fishing for the souls of the Jewish nation, then I feel it would be my duty out of loyalty if nothing else, to back them to the hilt. And if that means disenfranchising everyone who comes to Israel for purposes other than that of living Jewish lives and keeping their Jewish identities, then I will support that, even if it were to cost me the actual or potential friendship of the entire Christian world. To do otherwise would be the mark of an abject traitor.
If you or any other Christian — or all of you collectively — sincerely want to help the Jewish nation, we can accept that help only with the understanding that it is done in the spirit of allowing them and people such as me to live our lives as Jews, and as if there never had been a Jesus of Nazareth. Because no Jew — no real Jew — every shall accept him as the Jewish savior, or as a direct child of ha-Shem, or that he will return to life from the dead; all these concepts to us are utter blasphemies, and as long as the nation of Israel remains true to the Bible — the original Bible, which is the only one we ever have accepted or ever shall accept, any concept that attempts to modify the original can never be other than another of a long string of blasphemies dangled before the souls of our ancestors across the centuries.
Arnold Harris
Mount Horeb WI
The bottom line is that Shy Guy and Yamit are blatant ingrates. The rest of you are welcome to your opinions — I have no comment.
Laura you are blaming the victim of the predator, for being weak and vulnerable instead of the predator. They don’t go after the strong they attack the weak the sick the aged the mentally ill, even terminal patients, elderly destitute holocaust survivors, single expectant mothers who are considering aborting because they lack financial support, etc.
They lie, scheme and distort their objectives, They bribe our politicians, and fund charities to the extent that those charities become dependent on the Christian donors. over 200 million dollars per year are allocated by Christians to converting Jews around the world especially in Israel. This has been a concerted ten year effort where over a billion dollars has been allocated and spent solely for converting Jews around the world and especially in Israel. That’s serious money and that’s a serious effort.
I would love to see their support tested by A- Barring all Christians Missionaries from Israel under heavy penalty 10 years in Jail and a million dollar fine for each conviction of a Christian convicted of proselytizing in Israel. B- No donation from any Christian source allowed under stiff penalties to both the donor and recipients to any Israeli group or individual. I would have the government confiscate every property in Israel owned by or leased to Christians Churches, any denomination.
If A and B are not practical I would tax them out of business and out of Israel.
I am sure they would be upset were we to enact such policies and laws but if their support is really based on their theology it should not diminish the support you feel is so necessary and needed. If their support is contingent upon we being complicit in our own conversion process then the whole thing is as I suspect a great sham and scam.
Not to worry though they have greased the political wheels here with enough money that no initiative opposed to their intent and interests will be enacted. The rot of corruption runs deep and the net is widening.
Do you solve difficult problems in only one way? Do you only use negative reinforcement or only positive reinforcement when teaching your children? This is no different. Yes, the weaker Jews of our society need to be strengthened, but they also need to be shielded from religious predators while they are weak.
That is not the fault of Christians.
AND people who have enough food need not worry about starving. What about those that don’t or aren’t? Forget about your worries about Israpundit, your comment is harmful to Jews.
For countries other than Israel, I agree. For Israel, only if you wish to be Jewish. No matter how much lipstick you want to apply, we are not like the rest of the nations.
I also feel that ALL should serve in the army. If you’re Moshiach, we’ll give you an exemption. Although if you are the Moshiach, you probably wouldn’t take it!
BlandOatmeal wrote:
Don’t think for a moment your feelings are hidden for they are not.
As for everyone else MY G-d!! Who ever said this was bad? It’s nice that others wish to serve.
As for those “ignorant and weak in their faith” I have known a few of those Jews who regularly visit the graves of their fallen sons.One of which gave his life protecting a group of small Israeli children in Hevron!!! Until the vast majority who are ‘exempted’ are made to serve in the military I would say we should keep religion out of this discussion.
The vast majority of Jews are ignorant and or weak in their faith. Is this news to you?
Arnold #11
I have no problem with what you advocate. Know this though in absolute numbers kids from well off secular liberal homes outnumber the ultra religious except for most of them they are not legal deferments. When they do serve against their wills or at least their parents thaey choose to serve in 8-5 jobs in non combat units far from any danger at least as much as possible here.
I say draft them all and those refusing jailed, or in worst case situations have their citizenship removed along with any benefits from the state.
The comments on this thread are ridiculous and harm Israpundit.
I’m sure most Israeli Jews would be grateful for her service.
Jews who are strong in their faith need not worry about proselytism.
If you don’t want any Christian, Moslem or Druze “shabat soldiers” serving Israel, then I say Israel must end ALL exemptions from military service for Jews living in Israel. That absolutely, positively would end the exemptions for the yeshiva bocherim. On active military duty, they could be properly accorded time for all their prayers, and they can damned well defer their religious studies for the same number of years that all the secular Jews are forced to delay their high educations for their avocations in order to serve the Jewish state with guns in their hands. If military service in Zahal was suitable enough for the great Rav Meir Kahane in middle age, then it is good enough for any and all the black-hats. I have never and I shall never offer even a shred of respect to any man or woman who shirks military service in defense of his or her country in time of war, hot or cold. And I don’t give a damn how godly they think they are. If they can’t kill or be killed in defense of Zion, then they are to me like something I would have to scrape off the sole of my boots, like the Naturei Karta, the members of which I would all expel from Israel..
Arnold Harris
Mount Horeb WI
My objections are not specifically directed towards King or any other single individual but is related to the principle of any non Jews serving in the IDF including Druze. There are currently over 60000 Africans in Israel who crossed our borders seeking a good life what say any of you to offering them 3 years of army service with the reward being Israeli citizenship? How about creating our own mercenary Foreign Legion? Let’s say some of the younger ones want to make a career out the Army and rise through the ranks and one becomes Chief of the General Staff? Would that be fine with the pro king advocates? Then after receiving citizenship what if they are elected later on PM? Is that also OK for many of you?
What does a Jewish State mean if anything to most of you? A place where some Jews hang out? Once we employed Shabbos Goy’s, now Shabbos soldiers?
How about shabbos politicians
That’s a specious argument! Half of all Americas I expect would if they so chose also be good citizens. Want to trade our drek for good Americans? The Arabs retort to the statement: “That all they ever created was a desert” with: “But it’s our desert” I say whatever one thinks about Jews? “They are our Jews”
Muslims learned that from the Jews, Then we became civilized Christians. Time to return to our primary Jewish roots and relearn some of them from the Muslims.
On the other hand, Anna King has loyally served in Zahal, which probably shows a greater love for Israel than that of Jewish Israelis who purposely seek exemptions from military service. Which means she probably would be a more useful citizen.
Arnold Harris
Mount Horeb WI
Naw. I just wanna pack ’em onna plane and permanently boot them outta here.
My wife has enough laundry to do without extra beheadings.
BO, I agree with the Yamit and SG here. The only way Judaism ever is really destroyed is by being smothered with love by agents of another religion. Is that what you want for the Jewish state?
In fairness, I have to say that I long have advocated Jewish proselytizing of non-Jews. In age in which religion is just another set of ideas that can freely be shucked off or replaced by someone other’s, the only defense is to go after someone else and get them to adopt your religious focus. I always have wanted the USA primarily to be a Christian society. But I want enough freedom of religion here to make sure minority faiths such as Judaism can also flourish. Such a balance can only be maintained if the American Jews can absorb a sufficient number of converts as they lose through assimilation. I know this sounds like a commercial advertising campaign in action, but what is proselytizing but a personally intense form of advertizing?.
Of course, proselytizing works only in societies that have freedom of choice. Try that in just about any Moslem country and your convert and maybe you too will get your head lopped off on some municipal sand pile placed there to absorb the blood. And I don’t think many people in Israel want to adopt that particular cultural trait from the Arabs, Iranians and Pakistanis.
Arnold Harris
Mount Horeb WI
Your welcome but you’re wrong.
Clean up your own backyard’s stench before complaining about the distant neighbors.
Only in Israel, do people complain about people fighting to defend them. What ungrateful louts!
In a spiritual sense, it is to us Jews – and these are not isolated incidents.
But who was talking about proportions here? Saving lives is very important. Should we all donate charity only to medical organizations and none to anything else only because something comes up as the #1 priority?
No. You’ve yabbered enough.
Now THAT’s really scary; far more scary than Hezbollah and Hamas and Iran and (soon) Egypt, and…
Need I go on?
Disgrace. Nothing but disgrace. This is what we have come to.
Things are only getting more absurd and worse.
We Jews have completely lost it. I’m starting to build an ark.
Her father established the International Christian Embassy in Jerusalem – an organization that supports Israel? It is also a Christian organization that supports Christian proselytism in Israel.
King will receive her Israeli citizenship,Shortly thereafter, she will be released from the IDF? Do non citizens get called up for military service?