Gaza. Who does it belong to?  

By Ted Belman  Sept 17,2024

Did you know that prior to Israel’s Declaration of Independence on May 15, 1948, that Gaza was part of the Palestine Mandate and the Jews were entitled to sovereignty over it?

UNGA resolution 181 divided the mandate land into two states; one for the Arabs and one for the Jews. It was  called the Partition Plan.  This Plan was in violation of Israel’s right to all the land as provided by the San Remo Resolution and the Palestine Mandate.

Israel’s Declaration of  Independence on May 15, 1948, pertained to the land allocated to the Jews. The Arabs made no such declaration and chose war instead, They were joined by Jordan, Egypt, Syria and Lebanon in an effort to annihilate Israel.  An armistice could not be achieved, until Israel turned the tables, and started winning territory from the  Arabs.

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October 17, 2024 | 1:00 am | 8 Comments »

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As Antisemitism Skyrockets, Biden-Harris Regime Unveils New Initiative to Combat — You Guessed It  


The FBI recently released its hate crime statistics for 2024, and they don’t paint a comforting picture for those who uncritically accept the left’s claims about the state of the nation and what is going on in it. The FBI’s data belies the increasingly common linkage of “antisemitism” with “Islamophobia,” as if, in the aftermath of Hamas’s Oct. 7, 2023, jihad massacre of 1,200 Israelis, both Jews and Muslims were facing vigilante attacks on an equal basis. In reality, the increasingly common mention of “Islamophobia” in any discussion of “antisemitism” is just an attempt to soften the rage of Muslims in the United States over the expression of any concern about antisemitism. Ultimately, there should be zero incidents in both categories, but to equate them is a manifestation of a politically motivated myopia and deliberate distortion of reality.

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October 17, 2024 | 4:57 pm | Comments »

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Sinwar Confirmed Dead – Thread  

Peloni:  News of  Sinwar’s death is a continuation of the series of successes which have been won in this war.  While these victories have been substantial, Bibi must continue to press the advantage forward.  The much anticipated strike on Iran must maintain or accelerate this momentum.  Now is not the time to punt but to strike another grand slam against Iran.  It is not enough to humiliate Iran, as the humiliation must be a painful and productive humiliation.

Note: Tweets below contain explicit photos of Sinwar’s body.  Viewer Discretion Advised.

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October 17, 2024 | 4:34 pm | Comments »

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Biden-Harris Threaten Israel With Arms Embargo to End War Before Election  

Peloni:  The coming lame duck session in the wake of the coming election was always going to be a period fraught with peril for Israel.  It seems that the Washington elites could not wait that long due to mounting Israeli successes.  Hopefully, the lame duck period will be the end of their unvarnished control over Israel, but even in that nearly three month period, they will try to effect a great deal of damage upon Israel.  And this report only foreshadows a small aspect of what that damage might look like.

Kamala claimed she wasn’t for an arms embargo. She lied.


In August, Vice President Kamala Harris spoke to anti-Israel activists including Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s sister and told them she was open to an arms embargo on Israel.

The Kamala campaign denied the allegation. The Times adjusted its claim.

They were lying. Here’s the arms embargo.

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October 17, 2024 | 2:55 pm | 2 Comments »

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Following in the Footsteps of the Nazis  

By Alex Grobman PhD. | October 15, 2024

Der Grossmufti von Palästina vom Führer empfangen. Der Führer empfing in Gegenwart des Reichsministers des Auswärtigen von Ribbentrop den Grossmufti von Palästina, Sayid Amin al Husseini, zu einer herzlichen und für die Zukunft der arabischen Länder bedeutungsvollen Unterredung. 9.12.41 Presse Hoffmann

After reading Benjamin Weinthal’s article entitled “Germany delays selling weapons to Israel but continues sales to Qatar, sparking criticism,” Mr. Weinthal wondered what prompted Germany to “ignore Israeli requests to purchase weapons, according to a Sunday report in the German mass circulation daily Bild.” Mr. Weinthal further questioned: hadn’t German Chancellor Olaf Scholz made a pledge of unconditional solidarity with Jerusalem after October 7?  Were the Germans leaving off where their forebears started or was this just a temporary aberration?

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October 17, 2024 | 2:51 pm | Comments »

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Vice President Kamala Harris grilled on pivotal issues as election nears on ‘Special Report’  

Peloni:  This was a trainwreck interview.    Interesting that her people pulled the plug just as Baier raised the graphic showing the $200 billion which Iran has accessed in the leadup to the current war against Israel, directly due to the change in policies which took place under the current administration.  I wish he had raised this question earlier to be honest, but the points which he did raise were significant, as were the hyperbole in place of answers which Kamala provided.

See Trump’s tweet responding to the interview below the video.

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October 17, 2024 | 5:39 am | Comments »

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Negotiating What with Whom?  

Shoshana Bryen JPC

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant participate in a bilateral exchange at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., on June 25, 2024. (Photo: U.S. Air Force Staff Sgt. Eugene Oliver/U.S. Department of Defense)

U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is a decorated retired Army officer. He was supportive of Israel’s foray into Lebanon in the beginning. It would have been hard for him not to be, as Israel delivered justice for hundreds of U.S. and Allied military personnel murdered by Hezbollah in Lebanon and elsewhere. But his Oct. 12 phone call with Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant pivoted into this:

“The secretary strongly emphasized the importance of ensuring the safety and security of [United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon] UNIFIL forces and Lebanese Armed Forces and reinforced the need to pivot from military operations in Lebanon to a diplomatic pathway as soon as feasible. Sec. Austin also raised the dire humanitarian situation in Gaza and stressed that steps must be taken to address it.”

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October 17, 2024 | 5:35 am | 4 Comments »

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Christopher Columbus, Zionist?  

By Sha’i ben-Tekoa | Am Thinker | October 14, 2024

Image: Christopher Columbus. Public domain.

The woke are going to like this one because they detest both Zionism as a “settler colonial” crime and the European colonization of North America, which they believe was theft from the indigenous natives. Columbus’s goal and the striving for Zion/Jerusalem come together in this true slice of history.

Christopher Columbus was no Jew, though some want to believe that. In 1892, the Spanish government promoted this fiction because, as America celebrated the quadra-centennial year of his historic voyage, Spain thought it might experience a tourist boom if it identified him as a Spaniard (even a Jewish one) rather than an Italian.

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October 17, 2024 | 5:28 am | Comments »

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Millions In Taxpayer Funds Went Towards Programs Taught By Professors Who Fan Flames Of Anti-Israel Protests  

Jaryn Crouson | Daily Caller | October 16, 2024

(Photo by KENA BETANCUR/AFP via Getty Images)

Professors connected to anti-Israel protests head programs that received millions of taxpayer dollars, according to a report released Wednesday by government transparency group Open The Books.

The Department of Education has spent $283 million on foreign studies grants since 2020, with over $22.1 million going towards programs studying the Middle East, Open The Books found. The study analyzed the top three grant recipients, Indiana University, Columbia University and Georgetown University, and found that each highlighted anti-Israel professors as distinguished staff in their programs.

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October 17, 2024 | 5:21 am | 2 Comments »

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Israel’s best strategic position in decades  

Peloni:  Avi once again captures the very essence of the moment.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has demonstrated that Israel will not be bullied or dictated to when it comes to its survival.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addresses the general debate of the U.N. General Assembly’s 79th session on Sept. 27, 2024. Credit: Evan Schneider/U.N. Photo.

Avi Abelow| October 14, 2024

One year ago, our enemies launched an unprecedented assault on the Jewish state. On Oct. 7, Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran’s proxy terror network unleashed an unprecedented and heinous massacre to kill as many Jews as possible and destroy the State of Israel. Decades in the making, Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Qatar, and yes, the Palestinian Authority plotted together, united by a common goal: to wipe Israel off the map.

Despite knowing about such plans over the years, Israel chose to hold back. No Israeli government, including those led by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, has taken decisive action to prevent our enemies from executing their ultimate strategy until now.

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October 16, 2024 | 5:29 pm | 3 Comments »

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What Netanyahu won’t stop doing: Inside the OODA Loop on the new Israeli situation  

Peloni: Excellent article.  The reality is that Netanyahu won’t stop because he can’t stop, even if this were his preference.  The recent uproar over the report that he had ended attacks on Beirut demonstrates the public commitment to see that the aims of this war are in fact met.  Much to the consternation of the Democrats in Washington, the Israeli people do not support the American efforts to prematurely end the war and preserving the Iranian existential threats surrounding them, specifically because they will have to live with the consequences of having done so.

Don’t quit when you’re ahead.

J.E. Dyer, a retired Naval Intelligence officer, blogs as The Optimistic ConservativeSept 29, 2024

IAF bombing of Hezbollah headquarters in Beirut in September 2024. Long-time Hezbollah chief Hassan Nasrallah was killed in this strike.

This will be just a few comments, predicated on the basic facts about the situation.  It won’t be an in-depth treatment.  It is imperative to focus at the macro level and understand where this problem-set is now.

It’s not in a new static condition. It’s very much fluid.  Israel has major laurels to rest on, but no leisure to do it.

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October 16, 2024 | 11:25 am | 1 Comment »

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Israel resumes airstrikes on Hezbollah targets in southern Beirut | Heavy rocket barrage by Hezbollah directed at the Upper Galilee  

Peloni:  As I noted earlier, the proof is in the proving, and Israeli strikes in Lebanon returned to Dahiya Beirut, the location of Hezbollah’s headquarters.  The attack took place within hours of the US having stated that it opposes the scope of Israeli attacks in Beirut.

Israeli airstrike in the southern Beirut suburb of Dahiyeh (Photo: Instagram screenshot)

07:21 – Reports from Lebanon: another attack by the IAF in Dahiya, Beirut

The Israel Defense Forces confirmed that it conducted an attack in the Dahiya district, stating that a strategic munitions cache was struck in an underground warehouse.

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October 16, 2024 | 9:10 am | 2 Comments »

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President Trump Battles Bloomberg, Wall Street Multinationals and WEF Economists During Chicago Business Townhall  

Peloni:  This interview was intended as a trap to undermine Trump’s economic policies, and more specifically his tariff policy, and use them against him.  The effect of this planned trap was however something quite different.  In fact, Trump provides an important perspective in explaining his use of tariffs in more detail while also explaining that, rather than being accompanied by inflation as Micklethwait asserted would be the consequence, Trump’s use of tariffs in coordination with Trump economic policy resulted in no such thing.  Sundance goes into some detail in the article below in addition to Trump’s comments which were routinely cutoff in this interview.

Sundance | October 15, 2024

President Donald Trump sits down with Bloomberg Editor-In-Chief John Micklethwait for an extended interview. The interview is in partnership with the Economic Club of Chicago and is structurally President Trump facing down the globalists who sell Wall Street policy.

The interview was at times very combative as the interviewer, John Micklethwait, pushes a Wall Street ideology in alignment with the World Economic Forum. However, President Trump has already proven that his economic policies work.

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October 16, 2024 | 2:24 am | Comments »

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The UN Gravy Train Rolls on and on While America Pays  

Bonnie Glick | Oct 15, 2024

AP Photo/Hussein Malla

The United States contributes annually to the failed UN peacekeeping operation in Lebanon established in 1978 and known as the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL). It was originally established due to PLO and Palestinian destabilization efforts in South Lebanon along with regular terror attacks on Israelis across the border. It was further augmented (and funded) in 2006 with a specific mandate to ensure the demilitarization of Hezbollah terrorists and to support efforts of the Lebanese Armed Forces (LAF) against terrorist insurgents, to combat weapons smuggling, and to confirm the withdrawal of Israel Defense Forces (IDF) from Lebanon.

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October 16, 2024 | 12:42 am | 2 Comments »

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Zelensky’s Victory Speech  

Stephen Bryen | Weapons & Strategy | Oct 15, 2024

Zelensky is going to give his “Victory” speech on October 16 to Ukraine’s parliament, the Verkhovna Rada, but much of the speech will be secret. The secret part is about giving up territory to Russia.

Some parts will be open to the parliament and the public.  He will again push for more weapons, especially ATACMS missiles, he will try and justify the Kursk operation that has already cost more than 20,000 lives and where Ukraine’s army is being systematically pushed back; he will complain about North Korean troops in Ukraine, but not provide an iota of evidence there are any, and he will ask for NATO troops to come and help out.

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October 16, 2024 | 12:30 am | Comments »

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