Trump’s 7 guidelines for relaunching Israeli-Palestinian talks

June 11, 2017

A first principle would be that of peace between the two parties that puts an end to the conflict. Another element would be the right of each side to determine its future and character, in the context of peaceful coexistence. A third principle would be stringent security and anti-terror arrangements, especially regarding Israel’s security and Palestinian demilitarization. The guidelines will also include a role for Jordan and the Arab League in security monitoring after a permanent agreement, backed by the United States; settlement building restraint by Israel during the negotiations; and normalization of relations by the Arab states with Israel in parallel to the negotiations. Finally, the guideline will determine that the negotiations need to deal with all permanent status issues, including Jerusalem and refugees.

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Jason Greenblatt, the US presidential envoy to the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, has become quite an expert on the intricacies of inter-Arab relations. He has also become much familiar with the most minute details on the agenda of permanent status issues. For instance, he knows the demographic composition of each East Jerusalem neighborhood; he knows which settlement belongs to which settlement bloc for possible land swap; and he knows what kind of intelligence technology the United States could put at the disposal of Israel after an Israel Defense Forces withdrawal from territories in the West Bank and the Jordan Valley.

A senior PLO official who participated in the talks with the US envoy told Al-Monitor that the Palestinian negotiation team led by the secretary-general of the PLO, Saeb Erekat, is very impressed with Greenblatt’s know-how, open mindset and apparent neutrality. According to the official, Greenblatt is assisted by diplomatic personnel from the US Consulate in Jerusalem and its embassy in Tel Aviv. The source noted that Greenblatt is very target oriented and is working diligently for the launch of a regionally backed Israeli-Palestinian peace process in September 2017.

The Palestinian leadership was very pleased with President Donald Trump’s decision not to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem, and especially for the reason given: the need to aspire to a peace process. The PLO source said that President Mahmoud Abbas took credit for it and thanked President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi of Egypt, King Abdullah of Jordan and King Salman bin Abdul-Aziz Al Saud of Saudi Arabia for their support. The source emphasized that after the Riyadh summit (during Trump’s May 20 visit), coordination between the leaderships of the Palestinian Authority, Egypt, Jordan and Saudi Arabia has strengthened; the four leaders aim to insert the 2002 Arab Peace Initiative into the American’s terms of reference for the opening conference of the negotiations. The deep rift between the United States and the European Unit on the Paris Climate Accords generated greater Palestinian focus on their dialogue with Washington.

The PLO official added that according to current Palestinian assessment, the administration staff will upgrade its activity through the next months in order to propose to Trump a set of founding principles as a basis for a regional conference to launch the negotiations. It is also possible that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson will visit the region in the near future in this context.

The Palestinian negotiating team believes that, unlike President Barack Obama, Trump will stay away from detailed terms of reference that will predetermine permanent status issues. The official believes that Trump’s guideline principles will be relatively vague, creating a symmetry between Israeli and Palestinian interests. Possible guidelines as the Palestinians have heard from their sources at the US Consulate in Jerusalem may include seven or more elements.

A first principle would be that of peace between the two parties that puts an end to the conflict. Another element would be the right of each side to determine its future and character, in the context of peaceful coexistence. A third principle would be stringent security and anti-terror arrangements, especially regarding Israel’s security and Palestinian demilitarization. The guidelines will also include a role for Jordan and the Arab League in security monitoring after a permanent agreement, backed by the United States; settlement building restraint by Israel during the negotiations; and normalization of relations by the Arab states with Israel in parallel to the negotiations. Finally, the guideline will determine that the negotiations need to deal with all permanent status issues, including Jerusalem and refugees.

A senior Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs official who participated in some of the Jerusalem meetings with Greenblatt downplayed this Palestinian version. According to him, Abbas is in dire need of a diplomatic achievement. The US administration is still far from making a decision on whether to publicly announce any American position. “We have made clear to the American envoy that Israel will insist on two conditions upon which we are ready to start negotiations with Abbas. Stop all incitement to violence, and commit not to transfer funds to terrorists and their families. So far, Abbas has refused these basic demands. You cannot promote terror and negotiate at the same time,” said the source, speaking on condition of anonymity.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs source noted that the Trump administration is interested in renewing the peace process and that there are differences of opinion between Israel and the United States on this point. Still, he argued that Trump understands well the domestic situation in Israel. He further explained that in any negotiations, Israel will demand recognition as a Jewish state, and that after reaching an agreement, Israel will be responsible for security in all of the West Bank.

And so, between these positions of the two sides it will be virtually impossible for the US administration to square the circle, yet one should not underestimate Trump’s resolute. He is determined to defeat the Islamic State; in that respect, renewing the Israeli-Palestinian peace process would serve him well. Trump is not pro-Israel or pro-Palestine. Trump is pro-Trump.

June 14, 2017 | 7 Comments »

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7 Comments / 7 Comments

  1. All of the 7 principles were part of the signed agreements in the Oslo Accords and the rejected Saudi plan.

    Nothing new here under the sun. Stupid cowardly and traitorous BB might agree if he believes he can survive politically. I hope they finally indict and jail the corrupt SOB.

  2. How pathetic @ Chris Rettenmoser:
    Hopefully Criminal Charges will be implemented on Obama and his gang of Antisemitic Bloodsuckers from his last cabinet.Everyone of them have become rich and corrupt off the backs of the American Taxpayers, a national Disgrace .imagining a Government of Sharptons,Keith Ellisons and Maxine Waters ,no wonder after 8 years of Obama -Soros rule, the democrats have the country in Financial disaster.Thank God for president Trump

  3. Olmert was responsible for the last failed peace plan. He is trying to publish his autobiography and the police and military won’t let him. How can somebody in prison for years have classified documents? Like the fears about Pollard. Like all of the other “corruption” investigations against leaders that that deep states want to depose that sound phony. From S. Korea’s President to BB to Trump. While the real corrupt villains like the Clintons get off scot free. Just what is Olmert trying to tell the public that the deep state doesn’t want us to know?

  4. Chris Rettenmoser Said:

    Hopefully that pile of dog squeeze,

    named avi savir responsible for the oslo drek with peres wants to do the same dirt again. those who talk of a man made island off gaza are correct so avi savits etc can be put there to pick the daisies.

  5. Hopefully that pile of dog squeeze, called Trump, will be impeached more sooner than later !!!!!!!!!!

  6. Tillerson said the PA agreed to stop payments to the terrorists. The PA responded the next day saying this is no accurate.

    So we are for another cycle that goes around and around goes nowhere.

    The question Israel is interested will the Gulf State normalize relations with Israel in-spite of no peace deal with the Palestinians. If this happens this would be in the best interests of both Israel and the Gulf States.

  7. which idiot takes credit for this rubbish?? how many village (Washington dc) idiots helped. first should have been the appy or the bone, being the embassy moved to JERUSALEM. then you can throw in this rubbish as your then owed. no doubt nutunyahoo will swoon over this road to hell.