The US wants Israel dead and why the Jordan Option will ensure Israel’s Salvation

By Ted Belman

In a recent video, Francisco Gil-White made the case for the US wanting to destroy Israel. He said that there is only one party in the US and it supports the policy of destroying Israel. He argued there is no denying the fact that President Clinton forced Israel to accept Arafat and his terrorists into Judea and Samaria. Now President Biden is insisting that the Gaza War should end with a Palestinian State.

I have written many articles on the subject the most important of which is Since When are the Palestinians Entitled to a State.  In it, I pointed out that beginning with the Rogers Plan of 1969, every single US administration has pushed for a Palestinian state and protected Arafat so that he could be forced on Israel as Clinton did in backing the Oslo Accords which “rammed Arafat down our throats”.

As Gil-White eloquently argued, “there is no denying this fact”. No one who wants Israel to survive would do this.

So why is the Jordan Option Israel’s salvation?

It anticipates the forced abdication of Abdullah, and the changing of the Monarchy into a Republic to be led by Mudar Zahran. This will happen in the next few weeks.

That will not save Israel. But the creation of a Mid-East NATO will. Mudar Zahran introduced this idea in his video in 2022 titled  Jordan’s Future Between the Abraham Accords and an Arab NATO – Mudar Zahran.

It is an idea supported by Saudia Arabia.

What they envisage is that all Sunni states will be part of it, including Syria and Iraq. There is nothing that the US can do about it.

According to the The Washinton Institute, in an article published in 2022,

“More than two years ago, then-U.S. President Donald Trump announced that a “Middle East Strategic Alliance” would be established, quickly dubbed an “Arab NATO” by observers.

Then in my 2022 Webinar, JORDAN: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE: The Jordan Option Revisited, Mudar Zahran, the Head of the Jordan Opposition Coalition, referred to what Trump had proposed.

And so, the idea of an Arab NATO was born. It took inspiration from the creation of NATO and after the destruction of Europe in WWII. NATO was a defensive alliance in which an attack on one was seen as an attack on all. In the wake of its creation, Europe enjoyed peace, prosperity and stability. The same is expected to happen in the Middle East by similarly creating a ME NATO.

In my article, The New Middle East, published on August 12, 2024, I pointed out what was in store for Jordan, Syria and Lebanon.

Mohammed bin Salman (MBS), the heir apparent and current leader of Saudi Arabia, is financing the new Jordanian army making it capable of conquering Syria in 2025 and then Lebanon.  While in Syria, they will make certain that Iran is forced out of the country. Thus, MBS will not only control Jordan but Syria and Lebanon as well. He is also allowing Jordanians to enter Saudi Arabia without a visa bringing both countries closer together.

Jordan becomes one region with Saudi Arabia, and visa requirements for Jordanians are cancelled.

Mohammed bin Zayed (MBZ), ruler of the UAE, will be deposed as will al Sisi of Egypt. The culmination of these efforts will bring the Arab NATO closer to realization. In fact, it will not be an Arab NATO but a ME NATO which will include Israel in the mutual defense treaty.

So, the path to a strong ME NATO is set. Just as the European NATO brought peace and prosperity to Europe, so too will the ME NATO bring peace and prosperity to the Middle East.

The marriage of Saudi money and Israel innovation will ensure it.

In the meantime, Israel has begun its offensive in Lebanon. First the pagers, then the walkie talkies and today, fighter jets struck over 100 Hezbollah rocket launchers in southern Lebanon that were primed for immediate attacks on Israel. It said that in total, the launchers included around 1,000 launch barrels.

Several buildings and a weapons depot belonging to Hezbollah were also struck in several areas of southern Lebanon, according to the military.

Israel has been attacking Hezbollah’s military infrastructure both above ground and below ground for months. The invasion is about to proceed.

In my Aug 12, 2024 article, The Voice of MBS, I quote the Chief Rabbi of Saudi Arabia, Rabbi Herzog,

“Until Bashar steps down, we will eliminate the last tea stall affiliated with Iran in Syria.”

“The new Syria is in love with Jordan, and then Lebanon will follow. The army of the new Jordanian ruler arrives in Damascus first and stands on the outskirts of Beirut before that.”

“The new president controls southern Syria, and then all of Syria, and then #Lebanon. This is less than seven years after he came to power. The Jordanian army has expanded until it becomes a major regional power, especially the air force. Jordan buys some advanced F-16 aircraft from Israel and America. And an Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian defense treaty is signed by the Jordanian president with Netanyahu. (Netanyahu will remain in power for a while).”

“The relationship between the new Jordanian ruler and His Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman has developed greatly. Jordan becomes one region with Saudi Arabia, and visa requirements for Jordanians are cancelled.”

Clearly this dovetails with what was forecast in The New Middle East.

In Rabbi Herzog’s most recent tweet he said,

The Palestinians in Lebanon will return to their homeland, Jordan, between 2026 and 2028. 650,000 of them are already registered in civil records as Jordanian citizens, but the Kingdom of Jordan refuses to grant them passports. The king will leave, and everything will change.

Lebanon will become part of the Greater Republic of Jordan. 

In brief, Saudi Arabia will soon change the face of the region as it wishes, and you will see what happens to anyone who overreaches against Great Saudi Arabia, even if they are a leader or a ruler.

MBS just reiterated That there will be no normalization with Israel without a Palestinian state. He is, of course referring to Jordan soon to be renamed Palestine. He is binging all the Palestinian refugees in Lebanon and Syria back to Jordan.

According to Wikipedia, there are over one million of them,

This is what is in store for the Middle East.

Dr. David Wurmser, who served in the Bush and Trump administrations recommends the following,

What does the next President have to do to stabilize the Middle East?

The next President should prioritize allowing Israel to achieve a decisive victory by destroying Hamas and Hezbollah so that Israel emerges as a confident, strong horse around which the Abraham Accord alliance can expand and deepen and best anchor U.S. regional interests with minimal investment.

A new way forward for Washington includes abandoning the decades-long failed policy of a two-state solution and examining new options, including the emergence of a cross-Middle East land bridge trade corridor anchored to the UAE and India in the east and Israel and Greece to the west to supplement or even transcend Suez Canal limitations.

It would encourage Israel, Cyprus, and Egypt to build a robust East Mediterranean hydrocarbon production zone and tie that zone to transmission structures for Persian Gulf gas and oil to reach Europe. It would further facilitate the emergence of a post-Hezbollah eastern Mediterranean that restores Lebanon as a proper homeland and beacon for the region’s Christian communities and allows for the emergence of several autonomous entities to replace the defunct Syrian state that can protect the independence of other minorities across the Fertile Crescent.

From all appearances, Donald Trump will be the next president. There is no doubt he will follow Wurmser’s advice, making the ME NATO all the stronger.

And as Wurmser points out,

This will isolate and destabilize so thoroughly the Iranian regime that it moves toward collapse and opens the door for a potential post-Islamic Revolutionary Regime that enters an alliance with Israel.

J D Vance, Trump’s running mate, who will likely become the next president after Trump, has been a steadfast supporter of Israel all his life and particularly during Israel’s war with Hamas. Although he doesn’t want America to engage in foreign wars, he is all in favor of giving Israel the tools to fight its own wars. Exactly what Israel wants.

The stars are aligned. A ME NATO will come into being and the US will fully support it.

And thus, the Jordan Option will be Israel’s Salvation.

September 22, 2024 | Comments »

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