The Only Ones Convicted of Election Interference for Russia Were Socialist Racists

The real truth about Russiagate comes out again.


After nearly a decade of false claims about Russian election interference, the only ones charged and convicted of election interference on behalf of Russia were the members of the African People’s Socialist Party.

Four activists were convicted Thursday after being accused of interfering in St. Petersburg elections and causing disruption on behalf of the Russian government, according to the Department of Justice.

The DOJ said a jury convicted Omali Yeshitela, 82, Penny Hess, 78, Jesse Nevel, 34, all of St. Louis, and Augustus C. Romain Jr., 38, of Atlanta, on charges of conspiracy to act as agents of a foreign government.

The four conspirators either have or previously had tied to the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP), which ran the Uhuru House in St. Petersburg, Florida. In 2022, the FBI raided the Uhuru House, stating that the location was used by Russian intelligence to manipulate local elections and disseminate propaganda.

According to prosecutors, Yeshitela, Nevel, and Hess worked with Russian national Aleksandr Viktorovich Ionov, the founder of the Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia, from May 2015 to July 2022. Romain was a former leader of the APSP who later formed the Black Hammer out of Georgia in 2018.

Prosecutors said Yeshitela later communicated with the three other co-defendants in an email saying it was “clear” Ionov was a member of the Russian government who wanted to use “forces inside of the U.S. to s[o]w division inside the U.S.”

Yeshitela, who founded the APSP, told Hess and Nevel in a later meeting that Ionov would only give them resources to “support Russia’s efforts to ‘undermin[e] the U.S.,’” the DOJ stated.

“For example, in August 2015, Ionov requested that Yeshitela, Hess and Nevel draft and publish a petition to the United Nations charging the United States with actively committing genocide against African people,” the DOJ stated. “When Hess resisted, Ionov insisted that the APSP had to publish the petition because Ionov and his Russian backers were ‘not exactly Black to demand it for ourselves.’ Hess subsequently drafted and published the requested petition, which Ionov promoted in Russian media.”

Anyone who knows anything about the Cold War and Communist efforts to exploit the black community will recognize the familiar M.O. of the Soviet security services and their leftist allies in America.

I wrote about the African People’s Socialist Party in 2022.

One of the black nationalist groups in the indictment is the Black Hammer Party whose leader Gazi Kodzo had described Anne Frank as a “colonizer” and “bleach demon” and who has since been arrested on charges of kidnapping, assault, and aggravated sodomy.

The Marxist group involved in BLM protests had been known for marching through Atlanta behind its “gender non-conforming” leader who calls himself “they”, and shouting, “Kill the police! To get free, you’ve got to kill the pigs.”

Another of these was the Uhuru Movement, a socialist black nationalist group previously involved in race riots in St. Petersburg, Florida in 1996.

The Tampa Bay Times described the city becoming a “war zone, echoing with bullets, sirens and anguished screams” where “police officers took cover from automatic gunfire” and “police helicopters circled looking for rooftop snipers” while “one helicopter was hit by gunfire in the windshield and floor. A bullet grazed the pilot’s elbow.”

Omali Yeshitela, who claims that he was handcuffed during a raid on Uhuru House, is a longtime black nationalist figure with a history with the Nation of Islam and the Black Panther hate group. He appeared at a New Black Panther Party convention and had been involved in an anti-semitism controversy at a hate event at San Diego State University.

Previous events involving Ionov’s Anti-Globalization Movement of Russia allegedly included Margaret Kimberley of Black Agenda Report whom Cornel West had praised as “one of the few great truth tellers”, and more traditional Trotskyist groups such as the Workers World Party which played an early role in statue attacks in the South and may have links to Antifa.

The same folks from the KGB era are still running the show and using the same tradecraft.

Uhuru is a deeply racist movement and some of its latest materials include claims that white people are “barbarians” and “terrorists”, and that they “achieve their means of existence from a parasitic relationship they enjoy with the rest of the world.” These are ideas fundamental to the critical race theory understanding of the world, in arenas such as the 1619 Project and the entire anti-racism project, but the question is how many of these ideas were coming out of Moscow?

One of the Uhuru projects backed by Russia was a campaign titled, “Africans Charge Genocide”. “We Charge Genocide” was originally a Communist project in the 1950s under Stalinist singer Paul Robeson and the Communist front group, the Civil Rights Congress.

All of this cuts against the narrative that Russian election interference was being used to elect Trump.

In fact, the Senate’s report documented that the ‘Russian Facebook ads’ that the Clinton campaign and the media used to originate the term ‘fake news’ and deploy a censorship campaign to suppress ‘misinformation’ was actually a post-election effort to rally black nationalists.

The Russians bought over 1,000 ads targeting African-Americans and less than 300 targeting conservatives. There were 81 social justice ads and only 24 patriotism ads, 66 pro-gun ads and 70 LGBT ads, 43 veteran ads and 57 Muslim ads, not to mention 143 Latin American culture ads.

The African-American ads also produced over 1.5 million clicks while the conservative ads produced well below 500,000. The former ads also racked up over 15 million impressions while the conservative ads scored below 6 million.

Most of the ads post-dated the election.

None of this is a secret, the media just chooses not to connect the dots.

The Senate report revealed that “most of the videos” put out by the Russian IRA troll factory on YouTube “pertained to police brutality and the activist efforts of the Black Lives Matter organization” and found that “no single group of Americans was targeted… more than African-Americans” around “race and related issues”.

The Russians had created their own Black Lives Matter groups, activists and protests.

That’s the real truth behind the Russiagate hoax.

September 14, 2024 | Comments »

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